Chris Ishii  (bluejeans71) Translations

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Over 8 years ago Male 40s
Japanese (Native) English
50 hours / week
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A listing of the public translations that were written by this user. This listing does not include the requests that have yet to be completed.
bluejeans71 Japanese → English
Original Text

• 外箱は恒湿性に優れ防虫・防腐効果がある桐を使用、カンナ台には頑丈な白樫。
• 引き出しを省略したことによ本格派ながらも低価格&コンパクトを実現
• 鰹節は削りたてが最高の風味です。ひと手間かけて極上の風味を。



・This is a dried bonito shaver designed by a traditional Kamo chest and drawers maker,
famous for the designs of chest of drawers of paulownia wood.
• The out box uses paulownia wood, which helps keep the dried bonito flakes dry along with
anticorrosion and insect proofing effects; white oak is used for the plane table.
•While this shaver is orthodox, the price is low with a compact design as the drawer of the shaver has been omitted.
・Bonito flakes have the highest flavor when they are just shaved. A little touch helps create the excellent flavor.
・There are two bars of dried bonito, and one is the back part of the bonito (back side); the other is the belly part of the bonito (belly side).
The belly side gives a more rich taste as it contains belly fat, and the back side gives a light taste with less fat.

bluejeans71 Japanese → English
Original Text



※補足 請求取消データ 送信までの日数

(4/29 5/1 3 4 5 7 8)



When I made an inquiry to Rakuten, I was informed that
it took two or three weeks before the cancellation data for the April 26 billing would reach
the credit card company.

I was told that I could confirm the stage of the cancellation process
if I directly called the credit card company.

*Additions The Number of Days Before Cancellation Data Are Dispatched

Japan has a line of national holidays now. 現在日本ではと連休が続きます。
(April 29, May1, May 3 , May 4, May 5, May 7 and May 8)

According to the Rakuten staff member, it is likely that "it would take more days
as credit card companies suspend their operation during the holiday season."

My guess is that the cancellation request will reach the credit card company in late May
at the earliest, or in June at the latest.