ダイアモンド (blackdiamond) Translations

ID Verified
About 11 years ago
English Japanese (Native)
A listing of the public translations that were written by this user. This listing does not include the requests that have yet to be completed.
blackdiamond English → Japanese
Original Text

Please read these special terms and charges that apply to all international orders.

A $50 minimum applies to all Canadian orders,
a $100 minimum applies to all other countries.

All prices are United States Dollars.
Customs charges or duties may be added by your country. (check with your local officials for more information).
Shipping is by UPS Worldwide Express (discounted rate) or Postal Service as determined by our shipping department.
Allow an additional 50%-80% OR MORE for shipping depending on the size, weight, and destination of your shipment. All shipping charges are Non-Refundable once an order is in transit.
For orders shipped through the Postal Service, there will be an additional $5.00 handling fee.



A カナダからのご注文 最低50ドル
a それ以外の国からのご注文 最低100ドル

通関手数料、税金はお客様の国において加算される場合があります (詳しくは自国機関にお問い合わせください)。
配送は、UPS Worldwide Express (割引料金) または 弊社配送係で決定する郵送サービスになります。.

blackdiamond English → Japanese
Original Text

[Infographic] Have Mobile Phones Killed The Conversation?

NeoMam Infographic Agency made an infographic on affects of mobile communication that shows we’d prefer to send text messages rather than make phone calls. Face-to-face communication also decreased. You’d often find the one sitting across the table doing the same thing as you are, playing with a phone. You’d even pretend to be using a phone in order to avoid face-to-face communication with people around you.

Sounds too sad? So how come would we use mobile phones? The infographic also shows 69% of people increase their productivity thanks to mobile devices.

For more please click on the image below.


[Infographic] 携帯電話が会話をなくす?

NeoMam Infographic Agencyは、モバイル通信の影響に関するインフォグラフィックを作成。これによると、我々は、携帯電話で通話するよりも、メールの送信を好むという。直接会っての会話も減少している。よくテーブルに座って自分と同じように携帯でゲームをしている人を見かけないだろうか。 自分の周りの人に直接会って話すのを避けるために、携帯を使いがちになっていないだろうか。

あまりにも悲しい。 それでは、なぜ携帯を使用するのか。このインフォグラフィックは69%の人がモバイルデバイスのおかげで生産性があがっているとも示している。


blackdiamond English → Japanese
Original Text

[Infographic] Is Hong Kong The New Tech Hub Of China?

Hi there, if you’re reading this and are not so sure about the title, you should go on. The following infographic’s produced by the Hong Kong team at HotelClub.com, and was inspired by the tech start-up culture that is currently blossoming in Silicon Harbour.

By comparing four tech cities of China (Beijing, Shanghai, Shenzhen and HK), the author uncovered the potential of Hong Kong in Internet population, access, and censorship. It is shown that 90% of Hong Kong citizens are online, and its neighbor Shenzhen comes the second while Shanghai unexpectedly has the least netizens (66.2%).



こんにちは。この記事をよみ、タイトルに疑問を抱くようであれば続きをどうぞ。以下のインフォグラフィックはHotelClub.comでのthe Hong Kong teamの作成で、現在silicon Harbourで花開いているthe tech start-up cultureによってインスパイアされたものだ。

中国の四つのハイテク都市(北京、上海、シンセン、香港)を比べることで、著者は、インターネット人口、アクセスおよび検閲において、香港の潜在性を明らかにしている。90%の香港市民がインターネットでつながり、その隣のシンセンが二番目、上海は意外とネット市民は最低 だ(66.2%)。

blackdiamond English → Japanese
Original Text

Since your order was shipped using our lower cost USPS First-Class Mail option, we aren't able to track the package at all once they leave our fulfillment center. The typical estimated shipping time is 7-21 business days (not counting weekends or holidays). Since customs may add further delays to shipping, we don't consider a package to be lost until it's been in transit for more than 30 business days.
As of today, your order has been in transit for 19 business days. If it doesn't arrive by August 20 (the 30th business day), please let us know and we'll be happy to issue full store credit for the order including the original shipping fee.


お客様のご注文は低料金のUSPSのFIrst-Class Mailオプションでを発送されていますので、荷物が配送センターから発送されますと追跡することはできません。標準的な配送時間は7-21営業日(土日、祝日は含まれません)です。税関でさらに配送に遅れが生じる場合もありますので、30営業日を超えているのでなければ、お荷物が紛失したとは考えられません。

blackdiamond English → Japanese
Original Text

Buy from U.S. web stores and get over 80% global shopping savings with MyUs.com!
MyUs.com personal shipping service users get exclusive access to their favorite U.S. online stores with their own U.S. shipping address. Your packages are automatically forwarded, fast and easy, with unbeatable discounted rates.
Join with your Visa card and you will also...
Avoid the $20USD Set-Up Fee
Get two free Membership years
(a $120 USD value)
Save 25% on shipping for first month
Save 20% with future shipments
Enjoy the best deals from great Web stores like Designer Warehouse, Bloomingdales, Macy’s, Victoria’s Secret, Amazon and more


Designer Warehouse, Bloomingdales, Macy’s, Victoria’s Secret, Amazon等の大規模ウェブショップでのお買い物にもご参加いただけます

blackdiamond English → Japanese
Original Text

Champions of Krynn is the first in a three-part series of Dragonlance Advanced Dungeons & Dragons "Gold Box" role-playing video games. The game was released in 1990.[2] The highest graphics setting supported in the MS-DOS version was EGA graphics. It also supported the Adlib sound card and either a mouse or joystick. The game can still be run with an MS-DOS emulator such as DOSBox.
After a prologue set at the Inn of the Last Home in Solace, the adventure begins at an outpost near Throtl, the capital city of the Hobgoblins. The party soon meets a group of Baaz Draconians ambushing some good settlers. After the battle, a greater Aurak Draconian named Myrtani shows up, and steals an ancient book.


チャンピオンズ・オブ・クリンは、アドベンチャー・ゴールドボックスビデオRPGであるドラゴンランス三部作シリーズの第一作だ。ゲームは1990年にリリースされた。[2] MS-DOS版でサポートされた高いグラフィックス設定は、EGAグラフィックスであった。これは、Adlibサウンドカード及びマウスまたはジョイスティックもサポートした。ゲームはDOSBoxなどのMS-DOSエミュレータでまだ動作可能である。