asako (ask9) Translations

ID Unverified
Almost 13 years ago
Japanese (Native) English
A listing of the public translations that were written by this user. This listing does not include the requests that have yet to be completed.
ask9 English → Japanese
Original Text

Dean and Dave Mustaine
Dean Guitars is proud to intruduce the Dave Mustaine Signature VMNT series. Well-known in the metal world, Mustaine has been the driving force behind Megadeth for 25 years. The VMNT series offers Dave's special D shaped neck profile with a full two-octave, 24-fret neck, set up at the factory for fast, low action and easy access to upper frets. The guitars feature string-through-body design for serious sustain and playability, along with a variety of solid hardware appointments.

Mahogany Body
Dean uses a mahogany body for this instrument. Mahogany is a common choice for electrics, dependably delivering a warm, full tone with plenty of punch and sustain.




ask9 English → Japanese ★★★★☆ 4.0
Original Text

It your essential reference to the changing capabilities of modern navies and coast guards, their ships and maritime aircraft in service and under construction.
There are authoritative inventories for 165 navies around the world complete with comprehensive details of: displacement and dimensions, main machinery, speed and range, weapons systems and sensors, construction and modernisation programmes, latest operational status and strength of fleet including sales to other navies. In addition, there is an annual executive overview of naval highlights worldwide, flags and ensigns, ranks and insignia, senior appointments and personnel numbers.


全世界165か国の海軍に関する信頼できる記録を網羅しており、次の項目については包括的詳細含みます:配備・規格情報、メイン装備、速度や距離・範囲、兵器システムやセンサー類情報、開発・整備状況や改修計画、最新のオペレーション状況や他国の海軍への販売状況込の艦船の強さについて。 さらに、エグゼクティブによる海軍情勢ハイライト、軍艦旗や軍旗、階級記章や上級将校人事や人員配置などに関する年次レビューもあります。

ask9 English → Japanese
Original Text

I am very sorry to hear about the delay.

I have checked your order (for order number see subject line) and can confirm that it was sent out from our fulfillment centre in Germany on 17.10.2011 via UPS.

According to our carrier, the delivery to Japan may take up to 12 business days.

Once the package reaches your country, the actual delivery of the package is handled by your local postal carrier, and this may account for the delay.

May we ask for your further patience? If your package has not arrived on 02.11.2011, please contact us using the link below and confirm the shipping address we have on file for this order:




