Yumie (3_yumie7) Translations

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A listing of the public translations that were written by this user. This listing does not include the requests that have yet to be completed.
3_yumie7 English → Japanese
Original Text

He therefore turned his attention toward seeking legally, through a senatorial decree, the dignity his father had held; and he was careful not to acquire the reputation of being one who was ambitious and not a law abiding man. Accordingly, he listened especially to the eldest of his friends and those of the greatest experience, and set out from Brundisium for Rome.After Caesar's death, his friends counselled Octavian to put him in charge of his interests . . [lacuna].And though there were many other contributory causes toward disagreement between them, he seemed the more to incite enmity between them,for he was at odds with Octavian, and a partisan of Antonius.



3_yumie7 English → Japanese
Original Text

Octavian, however, in no wise frightened, because of his high spirit, gave some exhibitions on the occasion of the festival.He again approached Antonius, requesting that permission be given for the throne and wreath to be set up in his father's honor. Antonius made the same threat as before, if he did not drop that proposal and keep quiet. Octavian withdrew and made no opposition to the veto of the consul. When he entered the theater, however, the people applauded him loudly, and his father's soldiers, angered because he had been prevented from paying tribute to the honored memory of his father, gave him, as a mark of their approval, one round of applause after another all through the performance.


しかしOctavianは不屈の精神から、決して脅えることなく祭りの時にいくつかの公演を催した。Octavianは再びAntoniusに近づき、父の敬意を表して王座と花輪を設置する許可を願い出た。AntoniusはOctavian がその提案を下げて沈黙を守らないのを見て、以前と同じ脅迫をした。Octavianは引き下がり、執政官の拒否に強く抵抗しなかった。だが、Octavianが劇場に入った時、人々は彼に大きな拍手を送り、彼の父の兵士らは彼が父の栄誉ある記憶に敬意を表することを妨げられたことに怒り、自分たちの承認の証として上演中ずっと、拍手喝采を惜しまなかった。

3_yumie7 English → Japanese
Original Text

Then he counted out for the people their allotted money, and that secured him their especial good will. From that day Antonius was manifestly still more ill disposed toward Octavian, who stood in the way of the people's zeal for him. Octavian saw (what had become very plain to him from the present situation) that he was in need of political authority. He also saw that the consuls, secure in mucy power, were openly resisting nim and appropriating still more power for themselves. Even the city treasury, which his father had filled with funds, they had emptied within two months after Caesar's death, wasting money in large lots on any excuse that offered in the general confusion.



3_yumie7 English → Japanese
Original Text

His mother Atia, when she saw the glory of fortune and the extent of the Empire devolving upon her own son, rejoiced; but on the other hand knowing that the undertaking was full of fear and danger, and having seen what had happened to her uncle Caesar, she was not very enthusiastic; so it looked as if she was between the view of her husband Philippus and that of her son. Hence she felt many cares, now anxious when she enumerated all the dangers awaiting one striving for supreme power, and now elated when she thought of the extent of that power and honor. Therefore she did not dare to dissuade her son from attempting the great deed and effecting a just requital, but still she did not venture to urge him on,



3_yumie7 English → Japanese
Original Text

because fortune seemed somewhat obscure.She permitted his use of the name Caesar and in fact was the first to assent.Octavian, having made inquiry as to what all his friends thought about this also,without delay accepted both the name and the adoption,with good fortune and favorable omen.This was the beginning of good both for himself and all mankind, but especially for the state and the entire Roman people.He sent immediately to Asia for the money and means that Caesar had previously dispatched for the Parthian War,and when he received it along with a year's tribute from the people of Asia, contenting himself with the portion that had belonged to Caesar he turned the public property over to the state treasury.



3_yumie7 English → Japanese
Original Text

All these came down from the Capitoline, having received pledges of safety from Antonius who now had a large force,but who for the present had given up his plan to avenge Caesar's murder.(That was why they were allowed to leave Rome safely and go to Antium).Even their houses were besieged by the people, not under any leader,but the populace itself was enraged on account of the murder of Caesar, of whom they were fond, and especially when they had seen his bloody garment and newly slain body brought to burial when they had forced their way into the Forum and had there interred it.When Octavius heard this he was moved to tears and grief because of his memory and affection for the man, and his sorrow stirred anew.

