Yumie (3_yumie7) Translations

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A listing of the public translations that were written by this user. This listing does not include the requests that have yet to be completed.
3_yumie7 English → Japanese
Original Text

But he thought that to do so, and not to avenge Caesar, would be disgraceful. So he went to Brundusium, first sending in advance to see that none of the murderers had laid any trap for him. When the army there advanced to meet him, and received him as Caesar's son, he took courage, offered sacrifice, and immediately assumed the name of Caesar; for it is customary among the Romans for the adopted son to take the name of the adoptive father. He not only assumed it, but he changed his own name and his patronymic completely, calling himself Caesar the son of Caesar, instead of Octavian the son of Octavius, and he continued to do so ever after.



3_yumie7 English → Japanese
Original Text

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3_yumie7 English → Japanese
Original Text

Thereupon his friends in Rome advised as follows:some urged him to take refuge with the p535army in Macedonia to ensure his personal safety, and when he should learn that the murder was only a private transaction to take courage against his enemies and avenge Caesar; and there were high officers who promised to protect him if he would come. But his mother and his stepfather, Philippus, wrote to him from Rome not to be too confident and not to attempt anything rash, but to bear in mind what Caesar, after conquering every enemy, had suffered at the hands of his closest friends; that it would be safer under present circumstances to choose a private life and hasten to them at Rome, but with caution.



3_yumie7 English → Japanese
Original Text

Octavian yielded to them because he did not know what had happened after Caesar's death.He took leave of the army officers and crossed the Adriatic,not to Brundusium (for as he had made no test of the army at that place he avoided all risk),but to another town not far from it and out of the direct route, named Lupiae.There he took lodgings and remained for a while.When more accurate information about the murder and the public grief had reached him, together with copies of Caesar's will and the decrees of the Senate, his relatives still more cautioned him to beware of the enemies of Caesar, as he was the latter's adopted son and heir. They even advised him to renounce the adoption, together with the inheritance.


OctavianはCaesarの死後何が起きているのかわからなかったので彼らに譲歩した。彼は軍の将校に別れを告げてアドリア海を渡りBrundusiumではなく (Brundusiumに駐屯する軍隊の感触を試してみていなかったため危険を避けるため)そこからあまり遠くない別の街へLupiaeという名の直行ルートを通って行った。殺害に関する一層正確な情報と民の嘆き悲しみが、様々なCaesarの意志や元老院の判決と共に伝わってくると、彼の親類は、彼がCaesarの養子で後継者だから一層用心するようにと警告した。親類は養子縁組を相続と共に放棄することさえ助言した。

3_yumie7 English → Japanese
Original Text

They were aroused to a greater zeal to help him and to undertake trouble and danger with him if need be. Octavian commended their zeal and asked them to accompany him as far as the neighboring colonies, and furnish him safe-conduct. The people were pleased at this and gladly complied, escorting him under arms to the next colony. And gathering these also into an assembly, he addressed them. He succeeded in persuading both legions to escort him to Rome through the other colonies, and strenuously to repel any act of violence on the part of Antonius. On the march he trained and instructed the new recruits, sometimes individually and sometimes in squads, telling them that the were going against Antonius.



3_yumie7 English → Japanese
Original Text

Other officers followed, as well as a multitude of slaves and a pack train carrying the pay-money and the supplies. As for his mother, he decided not to acquaint her with his plan, lest, out of affection and weakness, like a woman and a mother, she might be a hindrance to his great purpose. He gave out openly that he was going to Campania to sell some of his father's property there, to take the money and put it to the uses that his father had enjoined. But even so, he went off entirely without her consent.At that time Marcus Brutus and Gaius Cassius were at Dicaearchia, and when they learned of the throng that was accompanying Octavian from Rome (the messengers having exaggerated the report, as usually happens)


他の将校や大勢の奴隷も後に続き、補充物資輸送車が軍事費と物資が運ばれてきた。母親は1人の女性として、また母として愛情と弱さゆえに息子の大志を妨げてはいけないので、息子の計画の詳細を知るまいと決心した。Octavianは父の財産の一部を売却して金を持参し、父が楽しんだ用途に充てるためにCampaniaに行くと隠し立てせず公表した。だがそれでも。彼は母親の同意なしに立ち去った。当時Marcus BrutusとGaius CassiusはDicaearchiaにおり、 Octavianが大勢を伴ってローマから出ていっていることを知った(よくあることだが、使者は大げさに報告した)。

3_yumie7 English → Japanese
Original Text

they were struck with much fear and consternation, thinking that the expedition was directed against themselves.They took flight across the Adriatic. Brutus went to Achaea, Cassius to Syria. When Octavian arrived in Calatia in Campania,the inhabitants received him as the son of their benefactor and treated him with the highest honor. On the following day he disclosed the whole situation to them and he appealed to the soldiers, telling them how unjustly his father had been killed and how he was himself being plotted against. As he spoke, some of the decurions did not wish to listen at all, but the people did so eagerly and with good-will, and they sympathized with him, frequently bidding him to be of good cheer,



3_yumie7 English → Japanese
Original Text

After consulting over this with his friends and after sacrificing, with good fortune, to the gods, that they might be his assistants in his just and glorious endeavor, he set out, taking with him a considerable sum of money, first of all into Campania where were the Seventh and Eighth Legions (for that is what the Romans call their regiments). He thought that he ought first to sound the feelings of the Seventh, for its fame was greater, and with this colony aligned in his favor, and many others with it . . . . . [lacuna] and in this plan and in the events that followed, he had the approval of his friends. These were: Marcus Agrippa, Lucius Maecenas, Quintus Juventius, Marcus Modialius, and Lucius.


この考えを友人に相談し、彼の公正で輝かしい試みに幸運にも加勢を賜るであろう神々にささげものをした後、多額の金を持って出発し、まず第7レギオン、第8レギオン(ローマ人は連隊をそう呼んでいた)の駐屯するCampaniaに入った。Octavianはまず第7レギオンの感触を探るべきだと考えた。それは第7レギオンの方がその名が広く知られ、植民地は自分に有利な位置にあり、他に多くの良い条件がそろっていたからだ. . . . .(脱落)そして彼はこの計画とそれに続く出来事について友人の賛同を得た。その友人とはMarcus Agrippa、Lucius Maecenas、Quintus Juventius、Marcus Modialius、Luciusだ。