Yumie (3_yumie7) Translations

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A listing of the public translations that were written by this user. This listing does not include the requests that have yet to be completed.
3_yumie7 English → Japanese
Original Text

When their intentions became known, Dolabella hastened to Syria, taking the province of Asia in his way in order to collect money there. Antony, thinking that he should soon need troops for his own purposes, conceived the idea of transferring to himself the army in Macedonia, which was composed of the very best material and was of large size (it consisted of six legions, besides a great number of archers and light-armed troops, much cavalry, and a corresponding amount of apparatus of all kinds), although it properly belonged to Dolabella, who had been entrusted with Syria and the war against the Parthians, because Caesar was about to use these forces against the Parthians.



3_yumie7 English → Japanese
Original Text

Antony wanted it especially because it was close at hand, and, by crossing the Adriatic, could be thrown at once into Italy.Suddenly a rumour burst forth upon them that the Getae had made an incursion into Macedonia and were ravaging it. Antony asked the Senate to give him an army in order to punish them, saying that this army had been prepared by Caesar to be used against the Getae, and that everything was now quiet on the Parthian frontier. The Senate distrusted the rumour, and sent messengers to make inquiry. Antony, in order to dissipate their fear and suspicion, proposed a decree that it should not be lawful for anybody, for any cause whatever, to vote for a dictatorship, or to accept it if offered.



3_yumie7 English → Japanese
Original Text

They thought that he ought to annul only the things done to insult Caesar,and to ratify all that had been done by him.Antony acknowledged that his course was perhaps somewhat contrary to the agreements noted.The decrees also,he said, had been recorded in a sense different from the original understanding.While it was the amnesty alone which was urgent,the clause "that nothing previously resolved be repealed" was added not for the sake of this provision in itself,nor because it was entirely satisfactory in all matters of detail,but rather to promote good order. It would be more just, he added, to observe the spirit than the letter of the decree, and not to make an unseemly opposition to men who had lost their own



3_yumie7 English → Japanese
Original Text

and their ancestors' property in the civil convulsions,and to do this in favour of a young man who had received an amount of other people's wealth disproportionate to a private station and beyond his hopes,and who was not making good use of his fortune,but employing it in the rashest adventures. He would take care of them after their portion should have been separated from that of Octavian. This was the answer made by Antony. So they took their portion immediately, in order not to lose their own share by the lawsuits, and they did this not so much on their own account as on that of Octavian, for they were going to bestow the whole of it upon him soon afterward.The games were now approaching,which Gaius Antonius



3_yumie7 English → Japanese
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was about to give in behalf of Brutus as he attended also to the other duties which devolved on him in the latter's absence.Lavish expense was incurred in the preparations for them,in the hope that the people,gratified by the spectacle,would recall Brutus.Octavian trying to win the mob over to his own side,distributed the money derived from the sale of his property among the head men of the tribes by turns,to be divided by them among the first comers,and ordered the auctioneers to announce the lowest possible price for everything,both on account of the uncertainty and danger of the lawsuits still pending,and on account of his own haste;all of which acts brought him sympathy as one undeserving of such treatment.


今ゲームは近づいていた。Gaius AntoniusはBrutusの留守中、自分に譲渡された他の職務にも精をだしていたため、財産はBrutusに渡されようとしていた。見世物に喜んだ人々がBrutusを思い起こすことを期待して、その準備のために惜しみなく出費した。Octavianは群衆を自分の味方につけようとして、財産の倍曲によって得た金を族長らに順番に分配した。まだ係争中の訴訟の不確かさと危険、自分自身が急いでいた両方の理由によって財産は最初に来た者によって分けられ、競売人には出来るだけ安値をtけるよう命じた。Octavianのこのようなすべての行為は、あのような扱いを受けるに値しない人物としてOctaviaに対する同情をもたらした。

3_yumie7 English → Japanese
Original Text

While this hasty action made manifest Antony's enmity toward him,and the Senate voted an immediate investigation of the public accounts,most people grew apprehensive of the young Caesar on account of the favour in which his father was held by the soldiers and the plebeians,and on account of his own present popularity based on the expected distribution of the money,and by reason of the wealth which had fallen to him in such vast measure that in the opinion of many he would not restrict himself to the rank of a private citizen.But they were most apprehensive of Antony,lest he should bring the young Caesar, distinguished and rich as he was, under his own control, and grasp the sovereignty held by the elder Caesar.



3_yumie7 English → Japanese
Original Text

These suits were brought before Antonius himself or the other consul, Dolabella. If any were brought before other magistrates, Octavian was everywhere worsted for the most part through Antony's influence, although he showed by the public records that the purchases8 had been made by his father, and that the last decree of the Senate had confirmed all of Caesar's acts. Great wrongs were done him in these judgments, and the losses in consequence thereof were going on without end, until Pedius and Pinarius, who had a certain portion of the inheritance under Caesar's will, complained to Antony, both for himself and for Octavian, that they were suffering injustice in violation of the Senate's decree.




3_yumie7 English → Japanese
Original Text

As Octavian was kept waiting at the vestibule for some time, he interpreted the fact as a sign of Antony's displeasure, but when he was admitted there were greetings and mutual inquiries proper to the occasion. When the time came to speak of the business in hand, Octavian said: "please give me the gold coin. For the rest of my expenses I may perhaps borrow from you, if I may be so bold, or from the public treasury on your security, if you will give it, and I will offer my own property for sale at once."While Octavian was speaking in this fashion Antony was astonished at his freedom of speech and his boldness, which seemed much beyond the bounds of propriety and of his years.



3_yumie7 English → Japanese
Original Text

When he arrived at the city his mother and Philippus and the others who were interested in him were anxious about the estrangement of the Senate from Caesar, and the decree that his murderers should not be punished, and the contempt shown him by Antony, who was then all-powerful, and had neither gone to meet Caesar's son when he was coming nor sent anybody to him. Octavian quieted their fears, saying that he would call on Antony, as the younger man on the older and the private citizen on the consul, and that he would show proper respect for the Senate. As for the decree, he said that it had been passed because nobody had prosecuted the murderers; whenever anybody should have courage to prosecute,



3_yumie7 English → Japanese
Original Text

the Senate would lend their aid to him as enforcing the law, and the gods would do so for the justice of the cause, and Antony himself equally. If Octavian should reject the adoption, he would be false to Caesar and would wrong the people who had a share in the will.As he was finishing his remarks he burst out that honour demanded that he should not only incur danger, but even death, after he had been preferred before all others in this way by Caesar, he would show himself worthy of one who had himself braved every danger. Then he repeated the words of Achilles, which were then fresh in his mind, turning to his mother as if she were Thetis;—"Would I might die this hour, who failed to save
My comrade slain!"


元老院は法律が通過するよう彼に力を貸すだろう、神々も大義を公正に守るためにそうなさるだろうしAntony自身も同様だと述べた。もしOctavianが養子縁組を拒否すれば、彼はCaesarとの約束を破ることになり、遺言によって資産を分け与えられる市民を不当に扱うことになる、と述べた。彼はそう自分の意見を述べると、突然その求められる名誉について自分の気持ちを表し、 自分は、他の全ての人の前であのようにCaesarから人以上の愛情を受けてきた上は危険な目に遭うばかりでなく死さえ免れられないかもしれないが、あらゆる危険に勇敢に立ち向かう者に値する自分の姿を見せたいと述べた。それから彼は、母親が(一人息子アキレスの母親)テティスであるかのように母親の方を振り向いて、アキレスの言葉を繰り返して言った。「私が今この時死んだとて、誰が殺された我が同志を救えないことがあろうか。」

3_yumie7 English → Japanese
Original Text

IMII Brings Intensive Digital Marketing Training to Indonesia

The UK-based digital marketing and e-commerce community EConsultancy, together with Indonesia-based digital marketing company Techad 1, wants to grow Indonesia’s marketing talents through a local digital training division called the Internet Marketing Institute of Indonesia (IMII). In three weeks’ time, IMII will hold its first fast-track digital marketing training course in Indonesia. Here are details:

・Date and time: January 30th and 31st, 9am to 6pm

・Venue: The Energy Building 29th Floor, Layang-Layang Business Centre, Jakarta, Indonesia

・Registration fee: IDR 5,000,000 ($518)



英国に本社を置くデジタルマーケティング兼EコマースのコミュニティーEConsultancyが、インドネシアに本社を置くデジタルマーケティング会社Techad 1と提携してインドネシア・インターネットマーケティングセンター (IMII)という地元のデジタル教育センターを成長させようとしている。IMIIはインドネシア初の3週間の短期デジタルマーケティングトレーニングの授業を開催する。

日時 1月30日、31日 午前9時から午後6時まで
会場 インドネシア、ジャカルタ市Layang-Layangビジネスセンター・エネルギービルディング29階
参加費 500万インドネシアルピア(518ドル)