Yumie (3_yumie7) Translations

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About 12 years ago
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A listing of the public translations that were written by this user. This listing does not include the requests that have yet to be completed.
3_yumie7 English → Japanese
Original Text

Such was Cicero's passion and want of decorum in reference to Antony. He confirmed again, to the two legions that had deserted from Antony, the 5000 drachmas per man previously promised to them as the rewards of victory, as though they had already conquered, and gave them the perpetual right to wear the olive crown at the public festivals. There was nothing about Octavian in the decrees, and his name was not even mentioned. He was forthwith disregarded as though Antony were already destroyed. They wrote to Lepidus, to Plancus, and to Asinius Pollio to continue the campaign so as to come to close quarters with Antony. In Italy Octavian, although he considered it an insult that Decimus, instead of himself,


それがCiceroの熱意であり、Antonyに関して礼儀の欠如だった。CiceroはAntonyから離脱した2つのレギオンに対して、勝利の褒美として以前約束した通り1人当たり5000ドラクマを与え、公の祝祭日の時にはオリーブの冠をつける永遠の権利を与えることを再確認した。布告にはOctavianに関しては何も記されておらず、Octavianの名前さえ触れられていなかった。Antonyはすでに完全に打ちのめされていたが、Octavianは早くも無視されていた。元老院はLepidus、Plancus、Asinius PollioにAntonyの弊社の近くに来るために軍事行動を継続するよう手紙で指示した。イタリアでOctavianは、自分の代わりにDecimusがAntonyと対決する大将として選ばれたことを屈辱だと考えたが、

3_yumie7 English → Japanese
Original Text

was chosen general against Antony, concealed his indignation and asked the honours of a triumph for his exploits. But being disdained by the Senate as though he were seeking honours beyond his years, he began to fear lest if Antony were destroyed he should be despised still more, and so he desired the reconciliation with Antony, which Pansa on his death-bed had recommended to him. Accordingly, he began to make friends of the stragglers from Antony's army, both officers and soldiers, enrolling them among his own troops, or if they wished to return to Antony allowing them to do so, in order to show that Antony was not moved by implacable hatred against him. Having encamped near to Ventidius, he made him anxious,



3_yumie7 English → Japanese
Original Text

Its being a pleasure to meet you on 9th February at the IHCR , I would like to thank you from the behalf of our company for your cooperation ,

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去る2月9日、 IHCRであなたとお会いできたことは光栄でした。弊社を代表し、ご協力いただいたことに対し感謝申し上げます。






3_yumie7 English → Japanese
Original Text

When Decimus was delivered from the siege he began to be afraid of Octavian, whom, after the removal of the two consuls, he feared as an enemy. So he broke down the bridge over the river before daybreak and sent certain persons to Octavian in a boat, as if to return thanks for rescuing him, and asked that Octavian would come to the opposite bank of the river to hold a conversation with him in the presence of the citizens as witnesses, because he could convince Octavian, he said, that an evil spirit had deceived him and that he had been led into the conspiracy against Caesar by others. Octavian answered the messengers in a tone of anger, declining the thanks that Decimus gave him, saying:



3_yumie7 English → Japanese
Original Text

"I am here not to rescue Decimus, but to fight Antony, with whom I may properly come to terms some time, but nature forbids that I should even look at Decimus or hold any conversation with him. Let him have safety, however, as long as the authorities at Rome please." When Decimus heard this he stood on the river bank and, calling Octavian by name, read with a loud voice the letters of the Senate giving him command of the Gallic province, and forbade Octavian to cross the river without consular authority into the government belonging to another, and not to follow Antony further, for that he himself would be quite capable of pursuing him. Octavian knew that he was prompted to this audacious course by the Senate,



3_yumie7 English → Japanese
Original Text

and although able to seize him by giving an order, he spared him for the present and withdrew to Pansa at Bononia, where he wrote a full report to the Senate, and Pansa did likewise.In Rome Cicero read to the people the report of the consul, and to the Senate alone that of Octavian. For the victory over Antony, he caused them to vote a thanksgiving of fifty days, — a longer festivity than the Romans had ever decreed even after the Gallic or any other war. He induced them to give the army of the consuls to Decimus, although Pansa was still alive (for his life was now despaired of), and to appoint Decimus the sole commander against Antony. Public prayers were offered that Decimus might prevail over him.



3_yumie7 English → Japanese ★★★★☆ 4.0
Original Text

This video is the reason I got my Baja they are just pure beast. There is a full roll cage on E-Bay at the moment, I got it and its sweet just need to find the time to make panels for it. Sweet video!!

...doesnt the balance point come to high?
I have make the sentence false in the second e mail!!

Are the wheels the same as yours?

Can I make the bodie like your?

What do you like best?

How is it in Tokyo? Is it expensiv? When my car is finish can I visit you?
Can you giff me the dimension of the roll cage beacaus it is very difficult to assemble the car just from a picture.








3_yumie7 English → Japanese
Original Text

Such was the course of events round Mutina.At Rome,in the absence of the consuls,Cicero took the lead by public speaking.He held frequent assemblies, procured arms by inducing the armourers to work without pay, collected money, and exacted heavy contributions from the Antonians.These paid without complaining in order to avoid calumny, until Publius Ventidius, who had served under Gaius Caesar and who was a friend of Antony, unable to endure the exactions of Cicero, betook himself to Caesar's colonies, where he was well known,and brought over two legions to Antony and hastened to Rome to seize Cicero. The consternation was extreme.They removed most of the women and children in a panic.When Ventidius learned this


Mutinaをめぐる情勢はこのような具合だった。ローマでは、執政官がいない間に、Ciceroがその話術によって主導権を握った。Ciceroはたびたび集会を開き、兵器製造者を無給で働かせることによって兵器を調達し、資金を集め、Antony派に莫大な出資を要求した。Antony派は流言を避けるため、不平も言わずに出資し、ついにGaius Caesarの下で仕えていたAntonyの友人Publius VentidiusがCiceroの強制的な取り立てに我慢できなくなり、自分の名がよく知られているCaesarの領地に赴き、2レギオンをAntonyに渡し、Ciceroを捕えるためにローマに急いだ。その狼狽ぶりは大変なものだった。彼らはほとんどの女性は子供をパニックから解放した。Ventidiusはこれを知り、

3_yumie7 English → Japanese
Original Text

he turned his course towards Antony, but being intercepted by Octavian and Hirtius, he proceeded to Picenum, where he recruited another legion and waited to see what would happen.When Pansa was drawing near with his army, Octavian and Hirtius sent Carsuleius to him with Octavian's praetorian cohort to assist him. Antony had disdained to occupy the defile as it served no other purpose than to hinder the enemy; but, eager to fight, and having no chance to win distinction with his cavalry, because the ground was marshy and cut by ditches, he placed his two best legions in ambush in the marsh, where they were concealed by the reeds and where the road, which had been thrown up artificially, was narrow.



3_yumie7 English → Japanese
Original Text

the GSC reaffirmed its Resolution GSC-15/25, on personally identifiable information (PII) protection, which recognizes that there is a large body of work and expertise scattered throughout the global community, including the standardization community, which addresses these issues at least in part.
GSC concluded that standardization of terms, definitions, frameworks and procedures is needed to ensure meaningful dialogue and consistency in addressing such concerns on a national, regional and global basis, and that such standardization needs to be consolidated into a distinct area of study for consistency and effectiveness, and resolved to support standardization activities in the sphere of PII protection.



3_yumie7 English → Japanese
Original Text

He had considered the amnesty in the light of an act of humanity and of pity for the relatives and compeers of these men,and that the very small commands had been given them for their safety merely;finally,the confirming of the Gallic province to Decimus seemed to him to have been done by reason of the Senate's difference with Antony respecting the supreme power,on which ground also they were inciting him against Antony.But the voting of Dolabella an enemy because he had put one of the murderers to death,the changing of the commands of Brutus and Cassius to the largest provinces, the granting of great armies and large sums of money to them and putting them in command of all the governors beyond the Adriatic sea



3_yumie7 English → Japanese
Original Text

— all pointed plainly to the building up of the party of Pompey and the pulling down of that of Caesar. He bethought himself of their artifice in treating him as a young man, in providing him a statue and a front seat, and giving him the title of propraetor, when in fact they were taking from him what army he did have, for a propraetor has absolutely no authority when consuls are serving with him. Then the rewards voted only to those of his soldiers who had deserted from Antony to him were an indignity to those who had enlisted under him. Finally the war would be nothing but a disgrace to him, for the Senate would simply make use of him against Antony till the latter was crushed.Meditating thus to himself



3_yumie7 English → Japanese
Original Text

he performed the sacrifices appertaining to the command assigned to him, and said to his army:"I owe these honours of mine to you, fellow-soldiers, not now merely but from the time when you gave me the command; for the Senate conferred them upon me on account of you. Know, therefore, that my gratitude will be due to you for these things, and that it will be expressed to you abundantly if the gods grant success to our undertakings."In this way he conciliated the soldiers and attached them to himself. In the meantime, Pansa, one of the consuls, was collecting recruits throughout Italy, and the other one, Hirtius, shared the command of the forces with Octavian, and as he was secretly ordered to do it by the Senate



3_yumie7 English → Japanese
Original Text

he demanded as his share the two legions that had deserted from Antony, knowing that they were the most reliable in the army. Octavian yielded to him in everything and they shared with each other and went into winter quarters together. As winter advanced Decimus began to suffer from hunger, and Hirtius and Octavian advanced towards Mutina lest Antony should receive in surrender Decimus' army; but as Mutina was closely hemmed in by Antony, they did not venture to come to close quarters with him at once, but waited for Pansa. There were frequent cavalry engagements, as Antony had a much larger force of horse, but the difficulty of the ground, which was cut up by torrents, deprived him of the advantage of numbers.



3_yumie7 English → Japanese
Original Text

Decimus, fearing that he for his part should now be unable to enter any of them, fabricated letters from the Senate calling him to Rome with his army and retired towards Italy, admitted by all as they thought he was departing, until he arrived at the wealthy city of Mutina.Here he closed the gates and possessed himself of the property of the inhabitants for the support of his army. He slaughtered and salted all the cattle he could find there in anticipation of a long siege, and awaited Antony. His army consisted of a large number of gladiators and three legions of infantry, one of which was composed of new recruits as yet inexperienced. The other two had served under him and were entirely trustworthy.

