Yumie (3_yumie7) Translations

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A listing of the public translations that were written by this user. This listing does not include the requests that have yet to be completed.
3_yumie7 English → Japanese
Original Text

to the prejudice of Antony, and that the property of the proscribed had been not so much sold as given to the soldiers outright; and, finally, that if he really wanted peace he should give his account for what he had already done, and for the future do only what should be agreed upon in common. Thus arrogantly did Manius proclaim his views, implying that Octavian could not do anything by his own authority and that his agreement with Antony was of no validity, although it provided that each should have absolute power over the affairs committed to him, and that each should ratify what was done by the other. When Octavian saw that they were everywhere preparing for war, each side made similar preparations.



3_yumie7 English → Japanese ★★★★★ 5.0
Original Text

A body of Octavius's cavalry made an expedition to the coast of Bruttium,which Pompeius was ravaging,and Lucius either thought or pretended to think it had been sent against himself and Antony's children.Accordingly,he betook himself to the Antonian colonies to collect a body-guard,and accused Octavian to the soldiers as being treacherous to Antony.Octavian replied that everything was on a friendly and harmonious footing between himself and Antony,and that Lucius was trying to stir up a war between them for another reason,in that he was working against the triumvirate,by virtue of which the soldiers had a firm hold upon their colonies,and that the cavalry were now in Bruttium executing the triumvirate's orders.



3_yumie7 English → Japanese
Original Text

should be opened to the forces sent by Octavian into Spain, and that Pollio should not further interfere with them; that Lucius should dispense with his body-guard and administer his office fearlessly. Such was the agreement which they made with each other through the influence of the officers of the army. Of these only the two last were carried into effect, Salvidienus crossing the Alps with him, but unwillingly.As the other conditions were not carried into effect, or were delayed, Lucius departed to Praeneste, saying that he was in fear of Octavian, who, by virtue of his office, had a guard, while he himself was unprotected. Fulvia went there to meet Lepidus, saying now that she had fears for her children.



3_yumie7 English → Japanese
Original Text

I remember the first time I saw an Apple product.
I remember it so clearly because it was the first time I realized,when I saw this product.
I got a very clear sense of the people who designed it and made it.

A big definition of who you are as a designer is the way you look at the world.
And I guess it's one of the curses of what you do,
you're constantly looking at something and thinking.
why is it like that? Why is it like that and not like this?

And so in that sense, you're constantly designing.
When we're designing a product, we have to look to different attributes of the product,
that's connected to those materials .So for example with the first iMac that we made,





3_yumie7 English → Japanese
Original Text

the primary component of that was the cathode ray tube, which was spherical.

We would have an entirely different approach to designing something like that, than the current iMac,which is a very thin flat-panel display.

Other issues would be,just physically how do you connect to the product, so for example with something like the iPhone everything defers to the display.

A lot of what we seem to be doing in a product like that is getting design out of the way.
And I think when forms develop with that sort of reason,and they're not just arbitrary shapes,
it feels almost inevitable,it feels almost un-designed.
It feels almost like, well of course it's that way, why wouldn't it be any other way.






3_yumie7 English → Japanese
Original Text

Talent wins games, but teamwork and intelligence wins championships (M. Jordan)

Within a company, every individual is dependent on his fellow employees to work together and contribute efficiently to the organization. When we help each other accomplish the tasks efficiently, we save a lot of time and energy and gain the sense of unity that accompanies a positive work environment.

When we work in a team rather than individually, we can expect a far better outcome.

Therefore Conyac for Business introduced a new organization function that can improve teamwork of any company worldwide. Colleagues can share translation projects and manage team budget, create groups or participate in other user’s group activities.





そこで、Conyac for Businessは世界中の企業のチームワークが向上するような新たな組織の機能を導入しました。同僚と翻訳プロジェクトを共有し、チームの予算を管理し、グループと作り、他のユーザーのグループ活動に参加することができます。

3_yumie7 English → Japanese
Original Text

What are the member roles?

"Admin" has full authority for its group and member settings. Admin can purchase points and access request details for entire organization.

"Managers" have full access to payment and request history of the organization. However, they cannot edit group settings or purchase points.

"Members" can participate in the group by making a request with the organization's points. They have limited access to organization's profile, as they can only view own payment and request history.

Conyac for Business strives to bring the best translation experience and support flawless international communication.

For free trial send us an email request with username to info@any-door.com.





Conyac for Businessは最高の翻訳エクスペリエンスを提供し、完璧な国際コミュニケーションのサポートを目指します。

無料トライアルをご希望の方は、ユーザー名を添えて依頼を弊社Eメールinfo@any-door.com. までお送りください。

3_yumie7 English → Japanese
Original Text

The common pretence of the generals that they were all striving for the good of the country made desertion easy in the thought that one could serve his country in any party. Understanding these facts the generals tolerated this behaviour, for they knew that their authority over their armies depended on donatives rather than on law.Thus, everything was torn in factions, and the armies indulged in insubordination toward the leaders of the factions, while famine began to afflict Rome, the supplies by sea being cut off by Pompeius, and Italian agriculture ruined by the wars. Whatever food was produced was consumed by the troops. Most of them committed robberies by night in the city.



3_yumie7 English → Japanese
Original Text

and they promised to carry out his orders. So Antony's soldiers, and Octavian also, blamed him for working against Antony's interests, and Fulvia blamed him for stirring up war at an inopportune time, until Manius maliciously changed her mind by telling her that as long as Italy remained at peace Antony would stay with Cleopatra, but that if war should break out there he would come back speedily. Then Fulvia, moved by a woman's jealousy, incited Lucius to discord. While Octavian was leading out the last of the colonies she sent the children of Antony, together with Lucius, to follow him, so that he should not acquire too great éclat with the army by being seen alone.



3_yumie7 English → Japanese
Original Text

So the friends of Octavian advised him not to go among them,but to keep out of the way of their mad career.But he went forward, thinking that their madness would be augmented if he did not come.When he saw the body of Nonius he turned aside.Then, assuming that the crime had been committed by a few,he chided them and advised them to exercise forbearance toward each other hereafter,and proceeded to divide the land.He allowed the meritorious ones to ask for rewards, and he gave to some who were not meritorious, contrary to their expectation. Finally the crowd were confounded; they repented and were ashamed of their importunity; they condemned themselves and asked him to search out and punish the slayers of Nonius.



3_yumie7 English → Japanese
Original Text

He replied that he knew them and would punish them only with their own guilty consciences and the condemnation of their comrades. The soldiers, thus honoured with pardon, rewards, and gifts, changed at once to joyful acclamations.Let these two instances out of many serve as examples of the prevailing insubordination. The cause was that the generals, for the most part, as is usually the case in civil wars, were not regularly chosen; that their armies were not drawn from the enrolment according to the custom of the fathers, nor for the benefit of their country; that they did not serve the public so much as they did the individuals who brought them together; and that they served these not by the force of law,


Octavianは殺害者と知っており、自分自身の罪の意識と仲間の有罪宣告によってのみ 罰せられるだろうと答えた。こうして兵士らは謝罪して褒美と贈り物を受け取り、それは直ちに喜びの拍手喝采に代わった。多くの優勢だった不服従の例の中から役に立ちそうな例を以上2つ挙げた。その原因の大部分は、内戦にはいつもつきものだが、手続きに則って将軍が選ばれなかったこと、兵士らが先祖からの習慣に従った入隊によって国家の利益のために選ばれていないこと、兵士らを集めた個人に対してほど公共のためには奉仕していないこと、兵士らは法的拘束力によってではなく、

3_yumie7 English → Japanese
Original Text

but by reason of private promises; not against the common enemy, but against private foes; not against foreigners, but against fellow-citizens, their equals in rank. All these things impaired military discipline, and the soldiers thought that they were not so much serving in the army as lending assistance, by their own favor and judgment, to leaders who needed them for their own personal ends. Desertion, which had formerly been unpardonable, was now actually rewarded with gifts, and whole armies resorted to it, including some illustrious men, who did not consider it desertion to change to a like cause, for all parties were alike, since neither of them could be distinguished as battling against the common enemy.



3_yumie7 English → Japanese
Original Text

Octavian knew that these citizens were suffering injustice, but he was without means to prevent it, for there was no money to pay the value of the land to the cultivators, nor could the rewards to the soldiers be postponed, on account of wars which were still on foot. Pompeius ruled the sea and was reducing the city to famine by cutting off supplies: the soldiers would be less zealous in the future if they were not paid for their former service. It was a matter of much importance that the five years' term of office was running out, and that the good-will of the soldiers was needed to renew it, for which reason he was willing to overlook for the time being their insolence and arrogance.



3_yumie7 English → Japanese
Original Text

Once in the theatre when he was present, a soldier, not finding his own seat, went and took one in the place reserved for the knights. The people pointed him out and Octavian had him removed. The soldiers were angry. They gathered around Octavian as he was going away from the theatre and demanded their comrade, for, as they did not see him, they thought that he had been put to death. When he was produced before them they supposed that he had been brought from prison, but he denied that he had been imprisoned and related p403what had taken place. They said that he had been instructed to tell a lie and reproached him for betraying their common interests. Such was the example of their insolence in the theatre.



3_yumie7 English → Japanese
Original Text

Having been called, about that time, to the Campus Martius for a division of the land, they came in haste while it was still night, and they grew angry because Octavian delayed his coming. Nonius, a centurion, chided them with considerable freedom, urging decent treatment of the commander by the commanded, and saying that the cause of the delay was Octavian's illness, not any disregard of them. They first jeered at him as a sycophant; then, as the excitement waxed hot on both sides, they reviled him, threw stones at him, and pursued him when he fled. Finally he plunged into the river and they pulled him out and killed him and threw his body into the road where Octavian was about to pass along.


その頃、土地の分割の件で夜のうちにCampus Martiusに呼ばれたため、兵士らは会場到着に急いだ。Octavianが到着に遅れたため、皆憤慨した。百人隊長のNoniusは腹蔵なく兵士らをたしなめ、指揮官らに対して指揮をされる者に対して品行正しい扱いをするよう促し、Octavianの到着の遅れは病によるもので自分たちを軽視しているからではないと述べた。兵士らは最初彼をごますりだと嘲っていたが、次第に両側にいた兵士らの興奮が高まり、彼を罵倒し、石を投げ、彼が逃げると追跡した。ついに彼は川に飛び込んだが兵士らは彼を引き出て殺し、その遺体を道路に投げ捨てた。ちょうどその時Octavianがそこを通りかかった。