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土崎神明社祭特徴 曳山は『神様が宿る所』とされ、伝統的な音楽とともに、町中にただよう『災いをもたらす怨霊や悪霊』を曳山に封じ込め、祭が終わるとすぐに曳山を解体することにより怨霊や悪霊を町から追い払う。曳山行事には、見る人を楽しませるため、曳山を華やかに飾り、見る人を圧倒するような迫力のある人形を乗せ、大きく高くし、歌や踊りを披露する沢山の工夫がある.。港ばやし曳山行事の音楽は、「港ばやし」と呼ばれ、佐竹氏の城下町であった、茨城県常陸太田市の「天神ばやし」に似ており、
Festival of Tsuchizaki-shinmeishaCharacteristicFloat has been considered as 'the home of gods'. People contain 'floating ghosts and evil spirits who bring us harm' into a float. After the end of the festival, they immediately break the float down so that the ghosts and evil spirits might leave the city. To entertain viewers, they use various ingenuities like gorgeous decoration of the float, overwhelming powerful dolls put on the float, making them bigger so that they can show songs and dances. Minato-bayashiThe music played during the hikiyama festival is called 'Minato bayashi'. It's similar to 'tenjin-bayashi' of the Hitachi-Oota city, ancient castle town of Seigneur Satake, in Ibaragui prefecture.
それと結びついて現在の港ばやしが生まれた。 港ばやしには五つ曲があり、土崎港ばやし保存会よって保存・伝承されている音頭上げ 曳山は、音頭取りと曳子の声の掛け合いによる『音頭上げ』によって動き出す。音頭取りの声を上声、曳子の声を下声と呼ぶ。音頭取りの役割は、曳山の進行だけでなく、安全に運行するという重要な役割がある。歌が上手なだけではなく、曳山を安全に動かす職人としての能力が必要とされる。
The actual Minato-bayashi came out getting in tune with Tenjin-bayashi. There are 5 songs of Minato-bayashi which are preserved and handed down by its preservation group. Ondo-age (call out)The float begins to move by 'Ondo-age', a rallying cries between a leader and men who pull the float. The voice of the leader is called upper voice, while that of pullers is called lower voice. The role of the leader is not only the procession of the float, but also he has an important role to operate the float with safety. The ability as an artisan to operate the float in safety is required.
Kaji-bou (steering bar)With Kaji-bou enables to operate the float with safety and fluidity with proficient skills to control it. Four men are in charge of one float and they operate the float in safety in collaboration with the leader. DancesAlong with the float, Dance performed there is important for the festival. The dances divided in a dance performed as an entertaiment and Circle Dancing for children and many people. The entertaiment dance includes 'Akita Ondo'.
When he arrived at the city his mother and Philippus and the others who were interested in him were anxious about the estrangement of the Senate from Caesar, and the decree that his murderers should not be punished, and the contempt shown him by Antony, who was then all-powerful, and had neither gone to meet Caesar's son when he was coming nor sent anybody to him. Octavian quieted their fears, saying that he would call on Antony, as the younger man on the older and the private citizen on the consul, and that he would show proper respect for the Senate. As for the decree, he said that it had been passed because nobody had prosecuted the murderers; whenever anybody should have courage to prosecute,
the Senate would lend their aid to him as enforcing the law, and the gods would do so for the justice of the cause, and Antony himself equally. If Octavian should reject the adoption, he would be false to Caesar and would wrong the people who had a share in the will.As he was finishing his remarks he burst out that honour demanded that he should not only incur danger, but even death, after he had been preferred before all others in this way by Caesar, he would show himself worthy of one who had himself braved every danger. Then he repeated the words of Achilles, which were then fresh in his mind, turning to his mother as if she were Thetis;—"Would I might die this hour, who failed to saveMy comrade slain!"
元老院は法律が通過するよう彼に力を貸すだろう、神々も大義を公正に守るためにそうなさるだろうしAntony自身も同様だと述べた。もしOctavianが養子縁組を拒否すれば、彼はCaesarとの約束を破ることになり、遺言によって資産を分け与えられる市民を不当に扱うことになる、と述べた。彼はそう自分の意見を述べると、突然その求められる名誉について自分の気持ちを表し、 自分は、他の全ての人の前であのようにCaesarから人以上の愛情を受けてきた上は危険な目に遭うばかりでなく死さえ免れられないかもしれないが、あらゆる危険に勇敢に立ち向かう者に値する自分の姿を見せたいと述べた。それから彼は、母親が(一人息子アキレスの母親)テティスであるかのように母親の方を振り向いて、アキレスの言葉を繰り返して言った。「私が今この時死んだとて、誰が殺された我が同志を救えないことがあろうか。」
After saying this he added that these words of Achilles, and especially the deed that followed, had of all things given him immortal renown; and he invoked Caesar not as a friend, but a father; not as a fellow-soldier, but a commander-in‑chief; not as one who had fallen by the law of war, but as the victim of sacrilegious murder in the senate-house.Thereupon his mother's anxiety was changed to joy, and she embraced him as alone worthy of Caesar. She checked his speaking and urged him to prosecute his designs with the favour of fortune. She advised him, however, to use art and patience rather than open boldness.
Pastel, poudreuse et poésie. Telle est la douceur créative du collectif KNOT qui vient de sortir son premier magazine en ligne.Le nom de KNOT vous dit quelque chose ?Ce n’est pas un hasard, vous l’avez déjà rencontré dans les pages DIY du n°13 du magazine Doolittle ! Leur premier numéro nous avait tapé dans l’œil et le trio de choc proposait à cette occasion, de réaliser de jolies boules à neige en polystyrène, une party confettis et des couverts rigolos avec les enfants.Poésie à partager, imaginaire à fabriquer et véritable coup de cœur de notre rédaction, KNOT est un projet riche de belles promesses. Une bonne résolution pour 2013 ? LE SUIVRE !
クラウドファンディング・イン・ジャパンーー イラストで描かれるPOPな不思議ワールドの書籍化プロジェクトイラストレーターでグラフィックデザイナーの新納英仁氏が描く不思議な世界。キャラクターたちが一斉に集合するストーリーを一冊の書籍にするプロジェクトだ。普段、制作をする上で何より大事にしていることは「自由」であることだという。今回のストーリーでは、現実とは少し違った「何でもアリ」の楽しさを表現する。書籍は全フルカラーで、表紙はソフトカバーの20〜30ページほどになる予定。
Crowd-funding in Japan - Create publications based on magical world of pop illustrations A magical world created by illustrator and graphic designer, Hidehito Shinno. This project aims to make a book out of a story in which its characters gather together. They think 'freeness' is particularly important in producing the book. The story express the fun of "anything goes" which is different from reality. They plan to make a full-color soft cover book of 20 - 30 pages.
The book making process is updated continually as 'the activity report', so the patrons of the project can enjoy the process of creating the story. They provide illustrated icons, button badges,seals, posters to the patrons. The target amount set by Campfire was 250,000yen and the project was a success raising 363,500 yen, exceeding its goal.
Crowd-funding in Japan - Producing independently a totally different full-length historical film Jidai-geki refers to a kind of Japanese theaters, films or TV dramas set in the ancient times in Japanese history mainly Edo Period or earlier era before the Meiji Restoration. A world-famous 'Seven Samurai' directed by Akira Kurosawa may evoke the images. This project aimes to produce such a historical drama independently.
It is not a stereotyped history dealing with good versus evil, Samurai, Ninja, but it's a new type of drama which meld a distinct Japanese culture like Buddhism, Yokai,Ukiyo-e into a story, making a clear departure from existing historical dramas. There are three main concepts in historical dramas. The first one is Ukiyo-e and "One Hundred Ghost Tales", the culture closely-linked to Yokai. The second one is the worldview of 'Buddhism' which is one of three world's greatest religions and become popular in the world as Zen. The third one is oriental feminine beauty.
It describes women who vamp Ninkou,the hero of the film with a unique world view by mixing live-action and animation. The maximum amount of financing help was 300,000 yen, which was not funded,but two supporters funded 100,000yen. The supporters achieve a specific benefit such as Blu-ray and visual book of this film as well as the listing to end-credit. The project was a success, raising 1,079,100 yen from 83 patrons. The amount exceeded a target amount 1,000,000 yen, set by Camfire.
3D Printing Photo Studio Pops up in Xi’an, ChinaThe folks over at Shanghaiist point out a very cool 3D photo printing studio which is located in the Chinese city of Xi’an. In total, the process takes 15 minutes to scan the customer’s body, and then two to three hours to print.It’s pretty awesome to see operations like this popping up around the world. Just last month, we saw another one spring up in Tokyo as well. That one is pretty awesome too. I could use a mini-me!
IMII Brings Intensive Digital Marketing Training to IndonesiaThe UK-based digital marketing and e-commerce community EConsultancy, together with Indonesia-based digital marketing company Techad 1, wants to grow Indonesia’s marketing talents through a local digital training division called the Internet Marketing Institute of Indonesia (IMII). In three weeks’ time, IMII will hold its first fast-track digital marketing training course in Indonesia. Here are details:・Date and time: January 30th and 31st, 9am to 6pm・Venue: The Energy Building 29th Floor, Layang-Layang Business Centre, Jakarta, Indonesia・Registration fee: IDR 5,000,000 ($518)
IMIIがインドネシアで短期集中デジタルマーケティング講座を開催英国に本社を置くデジタルマーケティング兼EコマースのコミュニティーEConsultancyが、インドネシアに本社を置くデジタルマーケティング会社Techad 1と提携してインドネシア・インターネットマーケティングセンター (IMII)という地元のデジタル教育センターを成長させようとしている。IMIIはインドネシア初の3週間の短期デジタルマーケティングトレーニングの授業を開催する。詳細は次の通り。日時 1月30日、31日 午前9時から午後6時まで会場 インドネシア、ジャカルタ市Layang-Layangビジネスセンター・エネルギービルディング29階参加費 500万インドネシアルピア(518ドル)
The training course will discuss how to utilize digital marketing tools and strategies like paid search, SEO, web measurement and analytics, and social media PR. The course targets marketers, senior managers, and business owners who have a basic to intermediate understanding of digital marketing.
Eu Gene Ang, the CEO of Singapore-based digital consulting and training agency Clickmedia, will be one of the trainers. He has 15 years of experience in digital marketing industry and his company was a finalist in Marketing magazine’s Digital Agency of the Year 2011 award in Singapore. Pandu W. Arief, the co-founder of AdPlus; and Tuhu Nugraha, a senior strategist at Klix Digital, will help bring insights and best practices to the local market.
シンガポールに本社を置くデジタルコンサルティング・トレーニング機関ClickmediaのCEO Eu Gene Ang氏も研修講師の1人として加わる。同氏はデジタルマーケティング業界に15年間携わり、同社はシンガポールのマーケティング雑誌が開催した2011年デジタル会社賞の最終選考に残った。AdPlusの共同設立者Pandu W. Arief氏やKlix Digitalシニア戦略家Tuhu Nugrahaも地元市場に対する洞察と成功事例を提供する。
Participants in the course will also receive a six-month silver membership at Econsultancy, where users can have access to full market reports, best practice guides, the member forum, event discounts, and others benefits. EConsultancy has opened training divisions in other Southeast Asian countries like Singapore, Malaysia, and Thailand.This is part of IMII’s monthly digital marketing courses in Indonesia. You can see more information about this training course here.Techad Group now has three subsidiary companies under it: performance-based ad network Adplus, digital advertising company Brightstars, and IMII.
コースの参加者は半年間のEconsultancyのシルバー会員資格も得られる。Econsultancyではユーザーは完全な市場レポート、成功事例ガイド、掲示板、イベントの割引他の恩恵を受けることができる。EConsultancyはシンガポール、マレーシア、タイ等の東南アジアの他の国々でもトレーニングコースを開催してきた。このコースはインドネシアで開催されているIMII月例デジタルマーケティングコースの一環だ。詳細についてはここをクリックして確認してほしい。Techad Groupは現在傘下にパーフォーマンスベースの広告ネットワークAdplus、デジタル広告会社Brightstars、そしてIMIIの3つの系列会社を持っている。
But he thought that to do so, and not to avenge Caesar, would be disgraceful. So he went to Brundusium, first sending in advance to see that none of the murderers had laid any trap for him. When the army there advanced to meet him, and received him as Caesar's son, he took courage, offered sacrifice, and immediately assumed the name of Caesar; for it is customary among the Romans for the adopted son to take the name of the adoptive father. He not only assumed it, but he changed his own name and his patronymic completely, calling himself Caesar the son of Caesar, instead of Octavian the son of Octavius, and he continued to do so ever after.