14pon Translations

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About 11 years ago
English Japanese (Native)
A listing of the public translations that were written by this user. This listing does not include the requests that have yet to be completed.
14pon Japanese → English ★★★★★ 5.0
Original Text





JETRO Oita, a branch of JETRO, is going to host a seminor at the Oasis Tower Hotel on June 20 with the theme of "In The Seek Of Overseas Marketing Channels - how to take advantage of overseas exhibitions". Mr. Atsuhiko Naoe, (以下、正式名称、略), is the expected speaker to give a lecture.

Those who to be invited to participate include companies planning or considering to exhibit in overseas exhibitions, as well as personnels wishing to review their knowledge after experiencing some exhibitions. Mr. Naoe, an expert of overseas exhibition operation, is expected to detail on what needed to be done prior to participating in an exhibition or on the very date.

The participants will be given our booklet "Event & MICE Supporting Company Guide".

14pon Japanese → English
Original Text



OCVB supported MICEs totaling up to 279 events in 2012, an increase of 58.5% over that of the previous year and the most in its history.

In order to send messages in and out Japan about the advantages of holding a MICE in Okinawa, OCVB participated in various make-a-business gatherings and exhibitions. Also they held seminors regarding MICE Okinawa as well as publicized the event to invite participants by taking advantage of the MIC-related media. Such activities included 5 make-a-business gatherings/exhibitions and business negotiations with 100 companies in total, through all of which OCVB tried to publicize Okinawa, which is the venue of the expected MICE.
OCVB attributed the most-in-history achievement to "the result of our active invitation efforts in various manners."

訳注: 商談会だけがどうしてもわからず、造語です。