14pon Translations

ID Verified
About 11 years ago
English Japanese (Native)
A listing of the public translations that were written by this user. This listing does not include the requests that have yet to be completed.
14pon English → Japanese ★★★★☆ 4.0
Original Text

Sorry for my late reply, unfortunately I was travelling a lot and not really in my office.

I will send you a foto of your model, as it was put in place. The location is perfect, since it is right at the beginning of the entrace, where ALL the visitors have to pass through. The exhibition is still growing, which means, we are adding further elements to our architectural retrospective.

The model is exhibited in our Laufen Forum - which is a architectural land mark and our show room as well as our exhibition center.

Unfortunately, I can not send you the professional photos yet. But on Feb 10/11 we will have a big journalist event in our Forum, where we will have a professional photographer.




あなたのモデルは、Laufen Forum というランドマークに展示されていますから。そこが私たちのショールームでもあり、エキシビションセンターでもあるのです。


14pon English → Japanese
Original Text

These photos will be brilliant and I will be able to send them to you.

there are always exhibitions ongoing, which we call the Laufen Retrospective. We do show for example our engagement to the Biennals in Venice, the Salone del Mobile, Architects at Work, AR-House Award and many more. And your exhibiton has been implemented end of december with an official mention beginning of january. There will be many events throuout the time, where we show your model as well as lots of traffic (we have up to 8000 visitors from Switzerland per year plus about 1000 professionals from all over the world (architects, journalists etc...).



ここではLaufen Retrospectiveと呼ばれている展示会をいつもやっています。(訳注:常設展なのか、同じタイトルで中身を替えて継続しているのか不明。でも複数になっているので、後者でしょう)

14pon English → Japanese
Original Text

1. Close your active listings.

Note that temporarily suspending your listings using the Listing's Status feature will not close them. We would not be able to proceed with closing your account until you close your listings as follows:

Close any open listings through your seller account. Under Manage Your Inventory, click the "View your current inventory" link, then "Edit" for each title. On the next page, you'll have an option to close the listing. If you have multiple listings to close, you can check the boxes in the "Close Listing" column and click the "Save Changes" button to close the listings in bulk.



Listing's Status 機能を使って、ご利用中の出品リストを一時的に閉鎖しても、それは閉鎖したことになりませんのでご注意ください。あなたが以下の出品閉鎖手順をお取りいただかない限り、弊社ではあなたのアカウントを閉鎖することができません。

お使いのセラーアカウントから、公開リストをどれでも閉鎖してください。Manage Your Inventory (在庫管理)から、"View your current inventory" (現在の在庫を見る)をクリックして、タイトル一つ一つを "Edit" (編集)してください。次ページに、リストを閉鎖する選択肢が現れます。閉鎖するリストが複数ある場合は、"Close Listing" (リスト閉鎖)欄の四角にチェックを入れ、"Save Changes" (変更を保存)ボタンを押すと、一度にリストを閉鎖することができます。

14pon English → Japanese
Original Text

2. Settle your Payments account.

Finalize all sales, including refunds and returns. Disburse any remaining funds from your Payments account to your bank account. To settle your account, click on the "View your payments account" link under the Get Paid heading. You'll see the option to request a disbursement to transfer your funds. If there is a negative balance, wait for the next automatic settlement date, at which time we will charge your seller credit card for the amount due.

Once your listings are no longer available to buyers, all your sales are finalized, and there is no balance on your Payments account, your seller account will become inactive. We don't charge seller fees on inactive accounts.



返金、返品を含む、すべてのお取引を完了させてください。あなたのPayment アカウント内の残金をすべて、あなたの銀行口座へ引き出してください。アカウントの清算には、Get Paid (受領済み)の項目内の"View your payments account" (支払いアカウントを見る)をクリックします。すると、資金引き出し請求の選択肢が現れます。もし、残高にマイナスがある場合は、次回の自動精算日までお待ちください。その日になりましたら、当方からあなたのセラークレジットカードに未払い残高を請求いたします。
