14pon Written Reviews

ID Verified
Over 11 years ago
English Japanese (Native)
The review activity that this user made to other translators' works. This activity includes writing corrections and comments to those translations.
14pon rated this translation result as ★★★★★ English → Japanese
02 Nov 2013 at 13:01
14pon rated this translation result as ★★★ English → Japanese
02 Nov 2013 at 12:25
14pon rated this translation result as ★★ English → Japanese
02 Nov 2013 at 10:58
14pon rated this translation result as ★★★ English → Japanese
02 Nov 2013 at 02:13
社内の部門のことなので、「配送局」というのピンと来ないですね。 大きいお荷物から落ちてしまったり ← 荷物の大小ではなく、たくさんの荷物の中に落ちる、つまり紛れ込むってことですね。 最後の一文は、文句なくこちらがベストです。
14pon rated this translation result as ★★★★ English → Japanese
02 Nov 2013 at 02:09
14pon rated this translation result as ★★★ English → Japanese
31 Oct 2013 at 00:13
14pon rated this translation result as ★★★★★ English → Japanese
29 Oct 2013 at 08:23
14pon rated this translation result as ★★★★★ English → Japanese
29 Oct 2013 at 07:53
14pon rated this translation result as ★★ Japanese → English
18 Oct 2013 at 18:53
14pon rated this translation result as ★★★ English → Japanese
16 Oct 2013 at 06:22
14pon rated this translation result as ★★★ Japanese → English
02 Nov 2013 at 12:52
14pon rated this translation result as ★★★ English → Japanese
16 Oct 2013 at 06:00
14pon rated this translation result as ★★★★ English → Japanese
16 Oct 2013 at 05:42
14pon rated this translation result as ★★★★★ English → Japanese
15 Oct 2013 at 00:17
14pon rated this translation result as ★★★ English → Japanese
15 Oct 2013 at 00:13
14pon rated this translation result as ★★★★ Japanese → English
14 Oct 2013 at 16:03
14pon rated this translation result as ★★ Japanese → English
12 Oct 2013 at 22:34
14pon rated this translation result as ★★ Japanese → English
12 Oct 2013 at 22:17
驚いたことに、これだけ訳がついているのに、一つを除いて日本人でも人間関係が把握できていないです。 日本語で「御社」といえば、それは今話している相手だからそう言うのであって、すなわちこれがYOUです。 皆さん「お客様」をYOUと捉えておいでです。 私が思うに、「御社」と...
14pon rated this translation result as ★★ Japanese → English
12 Oct 2013 at 19:20
2行め "I am report the issue"?? 4行目: 送ったものが「webpage」になっています。送ったものは「釣竿」です。これは書いてて「変だな?」と思いませんでしたか? The last paragraph: A refund could be...
14pon rated this translation result as ★★★ Japanese → English
12 Oct 2013 at 03:50
14pon rated this translation result as ★★★★ English → Japanese
12 Oct 2013 at 07:00
14pon rated this translation result as ★★★★ English → Japanese
12 Oct 2013 at 03:09
「使われたことのない新品」を誰が受け取っているのか分かりません。また、「お客様」と「顧客」が誰を指しているのか迷いました。 バックオーダーという言葉は、誰もが知っている言葉になっているのでしょうか・・・? 日本語だけを読んで完全に意味を把握することができず、原文を読んで...
14pon rated this translation result as English → Japanese
12 Oct 2013 at 02:38
14pon rated this translation result as ★★ English → Japanese
10 Oct 2013 at 16:14
14pon rated this translation result as ★★★ English → Japanese
10 Oct 2013 at 08:53