Translator Reviews ( Japanese → English )

Rating: 53 / 0 Reviews / 19 Jan 2020 at 11:45

blackbears-of-arase 53 こんにちは! バイリンガルの家庭に育ち、英語はネイティブレベルです。 翻訳...

「 フリーターするんやったら家の仕事でもしたら? 」と父親に言われて実家にノコノコ帰ってきただけ



「もう いいかな・・・」

5年に一度の 宅建免許の更新手続きが随分と面倒に感じた

「 免許更新することに意味なんてあるのかなぁ 」

副業として始めた 輸出転売も 完全に頭打ち




"If you're going to be a part-timer, why don't you take on the family business?"
I just came home obediently at my father's words.

I wonder if he had any doubts about handing over his real estate company to his stupid son.

I rubbed my forehead on the desk as I looked up at the real estate broker license number hanging on the wall.

"I think I've had enough..."

The renewal procedure the real estate license that comes around every 5 years felt more burdensome than ever.

"Why should I even renew my license?"

The import-and-resell business that I started as a side business had completely leveled off.

There was no way a business that can complete transactions at home meeting anyone and can be started without meeting anyone, expand in any way.

No risk.

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