Translator Reviews ( Japanese → English )

Rating: 53 / 0 Reviews / 23 Mar 2019 at 12:48

yoko-hara 53 海外生活が長く、大学まではインターナショナルスクールと英国ボーディングスク...


【便利なガーデンナイフです。】丈夫な合皮のさや付きです。日本製です。鋸状の刃と、切れ味の良い刃。 頑丈ですので過酷な作業場にうってつけです。
サイズ:11.8inch x 2 inch x0.7inch 重量:220g(258gさや含む)


For Amazon exhibit:
[Useful Garden Knife]
Comes with sturdy artificial leather casing.
Made in Japan. Double-edged— Sharp and jagged edge; perfect for harsh work environment.
[Multi-purpose] This handy product can be used in various outdoor work environments. For gardening and camping; sharp edge for cutting grass or mowing. Jagged edge used for cutting roots or branches. Measurements can be made with the inscribed ruler on the blade. Very useful.
Size: 11.8 inch x 2 inch x0.7 inch
Weight: 220 g (258 g including the case)

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