Translator Reviews ( English → Japanese )

Rating: 50 / 0 Reviews / 06 Dec 2018 at 10:45

fish2514 50 ご覧頂きまして、どうもありがとうございます。 現役の社内翻訳者です。...

“The rebrand is out, and we have a growing content team looking at our tone of voice, FAQs, how we talk about products, NBN and challenging questions around all of the product make-up, giving that momentum,” he said.

“On the technology side, I’m really happy with how aggressive we have been. We have ‘decapitated the dinosaur’; we’re ripping all the old infrastructure out and putting modern systems in.”

The technology
The first big one is Acquia’s cloud-based content management system (CMS). “That’s a good stake in the sand, as moving to a cloud-based solution wasn’t something we’d even have a conversation about 12 months ago,” French said.



「技術面では、私達がいかに積極的であるかについて本当に満足しています。 我々は「恐竜を断頭」して、古いインフラを全て排除し、最新のシステムを導入しています。


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