Translator Reviews ( Japanese → English )

Rating: 50 / Native Chinese (Traditional) / 1 Review / 24 Sep 2017 at 14:58

ariel_w 50 日本滞在歴は5年です。 翻訳の仕事を始めてから4年ほどになります。 内...





We deeply appreciate your effort to make the documents.
However, we declined the application for selling goods.
The reason is that it did not fulfill the requirements and we cannot disclosure the the standards, contents, and the results of the judgement. (The invoice is the minimum necessary document.)

Although the payment is already finished, we are asking that if you could cancel the dealing this time? We apologize for the inconvenience.

Although the result this time is disappointed, we would still like to purchase products from you next time. We are looking forward to continuing business with you in the future.

Reviews ( 1 )

setsuko 50 リサーチを重ねて文章内容への理解を深め、「簡潔且つ精度の高い訳」をお届けで...
setsuko rated this translation result as ★★ 27 Sep 2017 at 16:14

We deeply appreciate your effort to make the documents.
However, we declined the application for selling goods.
The reason is that it did not fulfill the requirements and we cannot disclosure the the standards, contents, and the results of the judgement. (The invoice is the minimum necessary document.)

Although the payment is already finished, we are asking that if you could cancel the dealing this time? We apologize for the inconvenience.

Although the result this time is disappointed, we would still like to purchase products from you next time. We are looking forward to continuing business with you in the future.

We deeply appreciate your effort to make the documents.
However, we declined the application for selling goods.
The reason is that it did not fulfill the requirements and we cannot disclosure the the standards, contents, and the results of the judgement. (The invoice is the minimum necessary document.)

Although the payment is already finished, we are asking that if you could cancel the dealing this time? We apologize for the inconvenience.

Although the result this time is disappointed, we would still like to purchase products from you next time. We are looking forward to continuing business with you in the future.

However, we declined the application for selling goods.The reason is that it did not fulfill the requirements and we cannot disclosure the the standards, contents, and the results of the judgement. (The invoice is the minimum necessary document.)と訳されていますが、この訳ですと筆者が出品許可申請を断ったことになり、原文の意味と大幅にずれるかと思います。

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