Translator Reviews ( English → Japanese )

Rating: 53 / Native Japanese / 0 Reviews / 21 Aug 2017 at 20:48

elephantrans 53 米国の日本法人会社にて、25年以上の勤務実績があります。 ・主に輸出向け...

China provides aid in the form of grants and concessional loans. Concessional loans have become a dominant feature of China's aid to the Pacific since 2006, accounting for almost 80 percent of the total aid provided. Many of these loans have been used to build infrastructure, such as roads and hospitals.
China to fund Niue road job
The reconstruction of Niue's roads is to be paid for with Chinese aid money. The island's premier Sir Toke Talagi said engineers and consultants from China have been on the island preparing for the fix-up which would cost nearly $US14 million ($US13.86). China will start work on the roads in December next year.



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