Translator Reviews ( English → Japanese )

Rating: 53 / Native Japanese / 0 Reviews / 21 Aug 2017 at 19:48

elephantrans 53 米国の日本法人会社にて、25年以上の勤務実績があります。 ・主に輸出向け...

PACC helped to improve household water security through the installation of rainwater tanks. Education
Construction of Niue’s new primary school was completed in November 2015. The design incorporates future climate and disaster considerations, and the school is being built to withstand severe storms and will double as an evacuation centre.
Over $4.2 million was committed to the design and construction of the school. The management and oversight of the construction stage has been delegated to New Zealand.
This was the first step in Australia’s strategy to transition towards a long-term delegated cooperation arrangement with New Zealand to support the education sector, signed in June 2014.



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