Translator Reviews ( Japanese → English )

Rating: 50 / 0 Reviews / 25 Sep 2016 at 16:20




Regional old story
In Hanagaike pond, the trefoil-Aoi leaf of Tokugawa's family crest has its origin.
Kiyoyasu Matudaira, grand father of Ieyasu Tokugawa attacked the Yoshida castle at the year second of Kyouroku era.
Masatada Honda, the king of Ina at that time, firstly took a side of Kiyoyasu, and firstly defeated the east gate, ended up to occupy the Yoshida castle. Masatada invited Kiyoyasu to his Ina castle, and hold a feast of triumph. Masatada used water-Aoi leaf as a dish and offered the food on it, water-Aoi resembled uphold-Aoi leaf of Honda's family crest.

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