Translator Reviews ( Japanese → English )

Rating: 50 / 0 Reviews / 11 Jul 2016 at 10:48

basenjishiro 50 北米在住。日本で学士取得後、アメリカ・カナダにて修士号取得。 過去の翻訳...

。証拠の書類もあります。メキシコ国内での荷物追跡は出来ないそうですが、配達完了の報告は郵便局より受けています。ebayへも報告します。Pay Palから請求書をお送りしました。早急に支払いをお願いします。


Because you mentioned that you had never received the package, I refunded you, but the post office said that the delivery was completed. We have a delivery record as well. It seems that you cannot track a package within Mexico, but the post office confirmed that it was delivered. I will report to eBay about this case. I also sent you a new invoice, so please pay as soon as possible.

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