Translator Reviews ( Japanese → English )

Rating: 52 / 0 Reviews / 08 Apr 2016 at 15:44

between-lines 52 日本語/英語翻訳。 翻訳経験は、ITソフトウエア、ファッション小売業...



※This event can be attended by only the people who won the prize. It is prohibited to attend the event with people over the age 3.
※We will check your identification at the venue to see if you are the authorized person, so please have your ID ready to show at the venue(driver's licence, health insurance card, etc). If you forget your ID to show, please note that no matter what reasons you have, you will not be able to allow your entry.
※Once you applied, you are not be able to change the venue, etc later.

Reviews ( 0 )

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Additional info: ■三浦大知
アーティスト名は「DAICHI MIURA」に統一下さい。