Translator Reviews ( Japanese → English )

Rating: 60 / Native Japanese / 0 Reviews / 29 Mar 2016 at 13:42

hhanyu7 60

Love Ballad

日本を代表する作曲家、作詞家、ミュージシャンが集結し、May J.の歌声を極限までに突き詰めて創作されたバラード楽曲を集めた史上最高の“Love Ballad”コンセプトのミニ・アルバム。

CDには、May J.出演の「プロアクティブ」「OPA西日本」CMのダブル・タイアップ曲『Shine Bright』の“Love Ballad ver.”、「レヴール」とのコラボ商品CMが話題沸騰中の『Eternally』の“Wedding ver.”も収録。


Love Ballad

With Japan’s leading composers, songwriters and musicians getting together and May J.’s singing voice pursued to the limit, a collection of ballad songs was created, making it as the mini album with the all-time “Love Ballad” concept.

The “Love Ballad ver.” of “Shine Bright”, a tie-up song with two commercials of “Proactiv” and “OPA West Japan”, in which May J. appeared, and the “Wedding ver.” of “Eternally”, a hot song used for a commercial of a product collaborated with Reveur, are included on CD.

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Additional info: ■May J
アーティスト名は「May J」に統一下さい。