Translator Reviews ( Japanese → English )

Rating: 60 / Native Portuguese (Brazil) / 0 Reviews / 30 Oct 2015 at 07:55

gabrielueda 60 日系ブラジル人です。幼い頃に家族と共に日本へ移住し、5年間滞在しました。 ...


1. 各投稿を一番上、または一番下に移動できるような機能
2. list PageにPagenationの機能
3. 出典の欄にURLを入力した際にそのURLが自動でリンクされるような機能





I have some requests:

1. A function that allows each post to be moved to the topmost or the bottommost.
2. The Pagenation function in the list page.
3. A function that, when a URL in inserted in the source field, this URL automatically becomes a link.

About functions 1 and 2, as I am going to update the post content every day, I would really like you to add them.
There is a similar homepage in Japan; I created a demo account, so give it a try if you wish.

As I believe you are busy, there's no need to responde this e-mail.

Is it possible to specify the URL when importing the CSV data?

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Additional info: 漏れがないようにお願い致します。