Translator Reviews ( English → Japanese )

Rating: 68 / 0 Reviews / 27 Oct 2015 at 15:18


But the xCraft X PlusOne drone has multi-rotor capabilities that let it hover, as well as a fixed-wing design that gives it high-speed flight. You put your smartphone into the drone, and the drone then uses that device to take pictures or videos. The X PlusOne can fly at 60 miles per hour, pitch over 90 degrees, and go as high as 10,000 feet.

The result is a drone that is capable of long-range flight and can perform stunts such as skimming the treetops. The xCraft drone can self-stabilize in both hover and forward flight modes. It also has a longer flight range because it relies on either preprogrammed flight paths or upon a connection to the smartphone via cell phone signals.


しかし、xCraft のX PlusOneはマルチロータータイプのドローンで、ホバーリングができ、また固定翼タイプと同じように高速で飛行することも可能だ。ドローンにスマートフォンを搭載することで、写真や動画を撮影することができる。X PlusOneは、時速60マイルで飛行でき、90度以上傾ける事ができ、そして1万フィートまで高度を上げることができる。


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