Translator Reviews ( Japanese → English )

Rating: 60 / Native Portuguese (Brazil) / 1 Review / 24 Oct 2015 at 23:19

gabrielueda 60 日系ブラジル人です。幼い頃に家族と共に日本へ移住し、5年間滞在しました。 ...





Hello, this is ○ ○ from Japan.
Thank you for always giving me a quick reply.
If Mr. A is busy, I totally understand.
Next time, if he has some spare time and can help me, I will appreciate.

Below is my credit card information.

I am sorry for the trouble, but I appreciate if you can confirm it for me.
Also, my order is not urgent, so please take your time and make it in your own pace.
Please take care of yourself in this period of season transition.

Reviews ( 1 )

ytobinaga 61 日本で生まれ、日本語→英語のバイリンガルです。日本、英国、米国で教育を受け...
ytobinaga rated this translation result as ★★★ 25 Oct 2015 at 04:41

Hello, this is ○ ○ from Japan.
Thank you for always giving me a quick reply.
If Mr. A is busy, I totally understand.
Next time, if he has some spare time and can help me, I will appreciate.

Below is my credit card information.

I am sorry for the trouble, but I appreciate if you can confirm it for me.
Also, my order is not urgent, so please take your time and make it in your own pace.
Please take care of yourself in this period of season transition.

Hello, this is ○ ○ from Japan.
Thank you for always giving me a quick reply.
If Mr. A is busy, I totally understand.
I would appreciate it if we could ask him some other time, when he has some spare time.

Below is my credit card information.

I would appreciate it if you could kindly confirm the above for me.
Also, my order is not urgent, so please prepare it at your pace as always.


I am sorry for the trouble及びPlease take care of yourself in this period of season transitionは英文では不自然なのd削除しました。

gabrielueda gabrielueda 25 Oct 2015 at 05:07


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