Translator Reviews ( English → Japanese )

Rating: 50 / 0 Reviews / 28 Apr 2015 at 10:18

isshi 50 はじめまして。R.Mitsuboriです。 ご覧いただき、ありがとうござ...

The International Games Week Berlin — a mini-version of the huge Gamescom event in Cologne, Germany, every August — is a kind of collaboration that you would never see in the United States. Quo Vadis itself had about 2,500 registrations, up 400 from a year ago. Its audience was spread thin among the other events and venues. But these showcases are friendly, not competitive, toward each other.

Berlin officials would like to argue that their city is the best gaming hub in Europe. But numerous folks from outside of the city noted that it has a smaller population of gaming employees than Hamburg, Cologne, and other locales.


International Games Week Berlinは、ドイツのケルンで毎年8月に開かれる盛大なイベント、Gamescomの小規模版でアメリカでは決して目にすることのない連携イベントの様なものである。Quo Vadis自体の参加者数も去年から400人増えて2500人程になった。その観客が細々と他のイベントや会場に広がっていった。しかしこれらのショーケースイベントは互いに競い合うことなく関係は良好だ。


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