Translator Reviews ( Japanese → English )

Rating: 60 / Native Japanese / 0 Reviews / 24 Apr 2015 at 22:06

yakuok 60 ・日英・英日翻訳・通訳。 ・海外の国際校で教育を受け、イギリス英語・アメ...

※昼食を料理屋より手配することも可能です。(松花堂弁当 1名様 5000円より)

14時00分 作陶開始
(約90分 削り仕上げ作陶 納得のいくまでじっくりと茶碗と向き合って)

15時30分 終了
費用:おひとり様 黒楽 30.000円(送料込) 赤楽 14.000円(送料込)
所要時間 約5時間 (休憩2時間含む)


*We can arrange for a lunch box for you from a restaurant (Shokado Bento, from 5,000 yen per person).
You may have your lunch at an adjacent tea room.

14:00 Start pottery making
(Finishing process for 90 minutes, give your full attention to the bowl until you are fully satisfied)

15:30 End of the course
Fee: KURORAKU 30,000 yen (including shipping fee), AKARAKU 14,000 yen (including shipping fee)
Total time: About 5 hours (including 2 hours break)
*As we need to set up and prepare for the courses, please make your reservation at least 2 days in advance.

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