Translator Reviews ( Japanese → English )

Rating: 50 / 0 Reviews / 23 Apr 2015 at 23:16


(1) 第2条に定めた目的以外の使用をすること。
(2) 賃借権の譲渡(担保提供その他これに準ずる場合を含む)、賃借物件の転貸(その他これに準ずる場合を含む)。
(3) 名義のいかんを問わず、事実上第三者の使用に供すること。


Article 8 (Thou shall nots)
The following acts are forbidden for Second Party.
(1) Using it for purposes other than the ones established in Article 2.
(2)Transferring the right of lease (including providing security and cases equivalent to that), subletting the leased property (and cases equivalent to that).
(3) Practically offering the leased property to the third party for use regardless of the name of it.

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