Translator Reviews ( Japanese → English )

Rating: 52 / Native Thai / 0 Reviews / 23 Apr 2015 at 23:21

commanderwhite 52 I got my Bachelor of Arts (English) f...

(1) 第2条に定めた目的以外の使用をすること。
(2) 賃借権の譲渡(担保提供その他これに準ずる場合を含む)、賃借物件の転貸(その他これに準ずる場合を含む)。
(3) 名義のいかんを問わず、事実上第三者の使用に供すること。


Article 8 (Prohibited Matters)
The second party must not do the following activities.
(1) Use the building for any purpose other than that indicated in Article 2.
(2) Give away the right to rent (including providing security or doing something equivalent) or subleasing the rented article (including doing something equivalent).
(3) Let a third party use the building in reality, regardless of the name in the contract.

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