Translator Reviews ( Japanese → English )

Rating: 52 / Native Thai / 0 Reviews / 09 Apr 2015 at 18:14

commanderwhite 52 I got my Bachelor of Arts (English) f...


「WALK OF MY LIFE」アルバムロゴステッカー


会場にて、カムバック継続していただきますと、「WALK OF MY LIFE」アルバムロゴステッカーをプレゼント!


Moreover, we invite you to the events "Forming a Circle Before the Performance," "Seeing-Off After the Live," etc. by drawing lots!

"WALK OF MY LIFE" Album Logo Sticker

"COME BACK Renewal Acceptance"
Target Group: those whose tickets are valid or expired for no more than three years.

At the venue of the event, when you renew a COME BACK, we present you with the "WALK OF MY LIFE" album logo sticker!
Moreover—moreover—we invite you to the events "Forming a Circle Before the Performance," "Seeing-Off After the Live," etc. by drawing lots!

Reviews ( 0 )

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Additional info: アーティスト名は「KUMI KODA」に統一下さい。