Translator Reviews ( English → Japanese )

Rating: 53 / 0 Reviews / 21 Sep 2011 at 19:13

haru 53

Yes, it's a little dirty and not mobile friendly, but there's a market there for Flash on the likes of Kongregate, New Grounds etc and as we've seen from J2ME markets, the legacy platforms with entrenched users and tech can remain profitable for a long while.

At the moment, Flash has a fantastic install base, delivery network and back catalogue of games.

How do you think the move to HMTL5 will impact app stores?


そうです、それは少しばかり下劣で、モバイルとの合性は良くないがKongregateやNew Grounds等と確立されたユーザーと長期にわたって利益をあげ残存できる技術で伝説的なプラットフォームの J2MEのマーケットに見受けられるようにFlash向けのマーケットがある。


HTML5への移行がapp storesに与える影響についてどう思いますか?

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