Translator Reviews ( Japanese → English )

Rating: 60 / Native English / 0 Reviews / 22 Sep 2014 at 17:44

ozsamurai_69 60 ー 日本語能力試験1級合格 ー 翻訳・通訳 英和<->和英 7年本田株式...

発注した商品は、現在 どれくらいの数量を工場から出荷できるのでしょうか。
また、靴箱に貼付けられているブランドシールがないとお店では販売できないので、至急 シールを手配して頂けませんか。
その結果 資金がない為、次回の商品代金の支払いができるのは、来週以降になります。


What amount of the goods I ordered can be shipped from the warehouse at present?
As I have accepted payment already from several customers, if the goods are not processed it will lead to claims from them.
Could you give me a status update please/
Also, if the the labels on the shoe boxes are missing I can not sell them in a store, therefore please organize these seals as soon as you can.
I can not get product again due to customs, therefore I can not sell them.
The result is, as there is no capital, the payment for the next order can be made after next week.

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