Translator Reviews ( Japanese → English )

Rating: 50 / 1 Review / 17 Jun 2014 at 17:29

tearz 50 プロの翻訳チームによる以下の多言語プロジェクトの対応が可能です。 英語(...




Total 133 pages (including 108 illustration in total)
"Yukiguni", the immortal work of Hiroshi Hamaya has received internationally high reputations for his documentary work that was painstakingly recorded over many years in the climate, manners, and customs of the snowy district. Let alone its scarcity value for its first edition, his autograph adds priceless value to it.

The book has total of 5 library stamps since it has been long kept as an university reference. The condition is not so good with overall spots, stains, and burnts. A pastic cover is attached to the book (it does not come off). Its overall exterior is not in good condition, however the drawing is fine for appreciation.

Reviews ( 1 )

[deleted user] 44
[deleted user] rated this translation result as ★★★ 17 Jun 2014 at 23:39

Total 133 pages (including 108 illustration in total)
"Yukiguni", the immortal work of Hiroshi Hamaya has received internationally high reputations for his documentary work that was painstakingly recorded over many years in the climate, manners, and customs of the snowy district. Let alone its scarcity value for its first edition, his autograph adds priceless value to it.

The book has total of 5 library stamps since it has been long kept as an university reference. The condition is not so good with overall spots, stains, and burnts. A pastic cover is attached to the book (it does not come off). Its overall exterior is not in good condition, however the drawing is fine for appreciation.

Total 133 pages (including 108 illustrations in total)
"Yukiguni," the immortal work of Hiroshi Hamaya, has received internationally high reputations for his documentary work that was painstakingly recorded over many years in the climate, manners, and customs of the snowy district. Besides its scarcity value for its first edition, his autograph adds a priceless value to it.

The book has total of 5 library stamps since it has been long kept as a university reference. The condition is not so good with overall spots, stains, and burnts [spelling]. A pastic [spelling] cover is attached to the book (it does not come off). Its overall exterior is not in good condition, [comma splice] however the drawing is fine for appreciation.

This review was found appropriate by 0% of translators.

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