Translator Reviews ( Japanese → English )

Rating: 52 / 0 Reviews / 16 Jun 2014 at 10:55

[deleted user]
[deleted user] 52 Ako ay isang Hapon na nakatira sa Pinas.


iBeaconの通信距離はNFCよりも長く最長 50mとも言われています。

「理論値で50m」と紹介されている記事をよく目にしますが、「本当に? 50mってどっから出てきた数字なの?」という疑問が頭をもたげます。




Theme of research

Though I have mentioned about this a little in the previous article, the communication range of iBeacon is a bit longer than NFC and said to be 50 m.

While I am collecting the information, its communication range is "theoretically up to 50 m" is often took attention, but there is a doubt pops up in my head that "is it true and where does this figure come out?"

In view of this, the operation test at this time is going to be focused on the communication range of iBeacon.

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Additional info: IT関連の記事です。