Translator Reviews ( Japanese → English )

Rating: 50 / 0 Reviews / 16 Jun 2014 at 11:52

masayo_tsuda 50 米国アナログ半導体メーカーでの社内翻訳者としてのアナログ半導体の取扱説明書...


iBeaconの通信距離はNFCよりも長く最長 50mとも言われています。

「理論値で50m」と紹介されている記事をよく目にしますが、「本当に? 50mってどっから出てきた数字なの?」という疑問が頭をもたげます。




The theme of an examination

It is even said that the communication distance of "iBeacon" is a maximum of 50m long, which is longer than "NFC", as I mentioned it a bit in the previous article.

While I collect information about it, I often see articles which says that it's thoretical value is 50m long. However, I am sceptical about the figure. I really wonder where the figure, 50m long, comes from.

So far, I can not find any information that somebody has cheked if it could reach 50m. I felt that it is neccesary to make clear the fact.

So, I will conduct the experiment focusing the communication distance of "iBeacon" this time as our survey.

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Additional info: IT関連の記事です。