Translator Reviews ( Japanese → English )
Rating: 50 / 1 Review / 15 Oct 2013 at 12:48
トロントからソウルを経由し、最終目的地の成田へ向かいます。トロントーソウル間は、大韓航空を利用し、ソウルー成田間は日本航空を利用します。実際に運行される 2013/11/03の11:30トロント発、翌日15:30ソウル着、KE74便と、11/05の8:00ソウル発、10:20成田着の、JL950便を例にします。
11/03のKE74便で利用される機材はボーイング777-200です。ファーストクラス8席、 ビジネスクラス28席、エコノミークラス225席の計261席で
We will go to the final destination, Narita airport, by way of Soul in Korea from Tronto.
We will use korean Air from Toronto to Soul, and Japan Air from Soul to Japan.
As an example, I would like to show you KE74 flight, which leaves Toronto at 11:30AM on Nov.3th,2013 and arrives at Soul at 15:30PM on next day, and JL950 flight, which leaves Soul at 8:00 on Nov.5th and arrives at Narita at 10:20 as an example for this.
The equipment to be used for KE74 flight on Nov.3th is Bowing777-200.
There are 8 seats for Firstclass, 28 seats for Business, and 225 seats for Economy, which is total 261 seats.
Reviews ( 1 )
We will go to the final destination, Narita airport, by way of Soul in Korea from Tronto.
We will use korean Air from Toronto to Soul, and Japan Air from Soul to Japan.
As an example, I would like to show you KE74 flight, which leaves Toronto at 11:30AM on Nov.3th,2013 and arrives at Soul at 15:30PM on next day, and JL950 flight, which leaves Soul at 8:00 on Nov.5th and arrives at Narita at 10:20 as an example for this.
The equipment to be used for KE74 flight on Nov.3th is Bowing777-200.
There are 8 seats for Firstclass, 28 seats for Business, and 225 seats for Economy, which is total 261 seats.
We will go to the final destination, Narita airport, by way of Soul in Korea from Tronto.
We will use Korean Air Lines from Toronto to Soul, and Japan Airlines from Soul to Japan.
As actual flights, I would like to show you KE74 flight, which leaves Toronto at 11:30AM on Nov.3th,2013 and arrives at Soul at 15:30PM on next day, and JL950 flight, which leaves Soul at 8:00 on Nov.5th and arrives at Narita at 10:20 as an example for this.
The equipment to be used for KE74 flight on Nov.3th is Boeing 777-200.
There are 8 seats for First-class section, 28 seats for Business-class, and 225 seats for Economy-class, totally 261 seats.
Good Job!
Thank you!