Notice of Conyac Termination

Translator Reviews ( English → French )

Rating: 44 / Native Vietnamese / 1 Review / 11 Apr 2013 at 13:39

danielpham 44 My name is Daniel, 26 years old. I w...

anydooR Inc. launches a new Enterprise Translation Service "Conyac for Business"

Conyac is a fast, affordable and accurate human translation service that uses crowdsourcing concepts to bridge the language communication gap between people around the world. It is a perfect solution for those who need help reading and sending emails and cannot rely on expensive translation services with long wait time. Free Internet translation services are fast, but they do not translate accurately. Conyac enables a requestor to simply paste desired text into the website and pay for the professional translation by prepaid credit. Translated text is delivered within minutes, along with an email notification of the finished task.


anydooR Inc. lance un nouveau Service de traduction "Conyac for Business"

Conyac est un service de traduction humaine rapide, abordable et précis qui utilise des concepts de crowdsourcing pour combler le fossé de la communication linguistique entre les gens à travers le monde. C'est une solution parfaite pour ceux qui ont besoin d'aide pour lire et envoyer des courriels et ne peut pas compter sur les services de traduction coûteux à long temps d'attente. Services de traduction gratuits sur Internet sont rapides, mais elles ne se traduisent pas fidèlement. Conyac permet à un demandeur de simplement coller le texte souhaité dans le site et de payer pour la traduction professionnelle en crédit prépayée. Texte traduit est livré en quelques minutes, avec une notification par courriel de la tâche finie.

Reviews ( 1 )

translator_0205 53 I am an experienced Bilingual Transla...
translator_0205 rated this translation result as ★★ 23 Apr 2013 at 17:54

Not a native French translator...

danielpham danielpham 23 Apr 2013 at 17:56

Could you tell me your reason?

translator_0205 translator_0205 23 Apr 2013 at 18:15

Of course. IMHO, a translation machine has been used here. Here are a few mistakes that could have been easily avoided:
- you never start a sentence like "Texte traduit est livré", but "Le texte traduit est livré";
- Same goes with "Services de traduction gratuits", it should have been "Les services de traduction gratuits";
- the French punctuation isn't " ", but « »;
- you did not properly conjugate "peut" (should have been "peuvent");
- "à long temps d'attente" sounds a bit clumsy. I would have translated it with "ayant de longues files d'attente" or something similar;
- you did not translated correcly: "but they do not translate accurately", it should have been translated like: "mais (ils) ne traduisent pas fidèlement";
- "crédit" is masculine, therefore "prépayé" (without the final "e");
I hope this helps.

danielpham danielpham 23 Apr 2013 at 18:20

Thank you!

I got it. I'm not a native french but I didn't use any translate machine. I'm learning French and your comment is very helpful!

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