Notice of Conyac Termination ( Updated on November 25)

Translator Reviews ( Japanese → Native English )

Rating: 67 / Native English / 0 Reviews / 19 Jan 2013 at 06:51

cuavsfan 67 I passed Japanese Language Proficienc...



Regarding low temperature burns
Low temperature burns refer to burns that are caused by exposing the same portion of skin to a comfortably warm temperature (one a little warmer than body temperature) for a long period of time. They can result in red markings or in blistering. In many cases the burns go deep into the skin and require multiple days of treatment.
Approximate burn times for direct contact with skin are as follows.
* 44 degrees Celsius... three to four hours
* 46 degrees Celsius... thirty minutes to an hour
* 50 degrees Celsius... two to three minutes

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