Translator Reviews ( Japanese → English )

Rating: 52 / Native Japanese / 0 Reviews / 03 Jul 2012 at 20:36

tatsuoishimura 52 経済、法務、マーケティング関連分野を中心に、英-日、日-英翻訳を行います。...


① 本やテレビを見ているとすぐ眠くなる。
② 講演を聴いたり、静かに話をしていると眠くなる。
③ 昼食後、ちょっと暇になると眠くなる。
④ 乗り物に乗るとすぐ眠くなる。


Sound sleep is ”absolutely necessary for anti-aging” and it is the preparatory time for one to store vitality for the next day.
Required hours of sleep differ from person to person, but the children of lower age need them the longer. The middle age and older still needs 6 to 8 hours.

Criteria to judge oneself short of sleep:
① Become sleepy as soon as you begin reading a book or watching TV.
② Become sleepy during listening to a lecture or talking quietly.
③ After lunch, become sleepy if not much to do.
④ Become sleepy as soon as I get on a vehicle.

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