Translator Reviews ( Japanese → English )

Rating: 50 / 0 Reviews / 03 Jul 2012 at 20:15

mura 50 翻訳歴8か月


① 本やテレビを見ているとすぐ眠くなる。
② 講演を聴いたり、静かに話をしていると眠くなる。
③ 昼食後、ちょっと暇になると眠くなる。
④ 乗り物に乗るとすぐ眠くなる。


Taking enough sleep is an absolutely necessary preparation time for “anti-aging condition” and “ making tomorrow’s activity”.
Amount of necessary sleeping time somehow differs depending on individual, but longer the better for younger children. Six to eight hours are needed even for middle-aged people.

Measures of the lack of sleep are followings. If you become easily sleepy when you
1. are reading a book or watching TV.
2. are listening to presentation or in class, or when talking quietly.
3. don’t have anything to do after lunch.
4. ride in vehicles.

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