Translator Reviews ( English → Japanese )

Rating: 50 / 0 Reviews / 14 Jun 2012 at 09:14


Gobann Aims to Make Moonlighting in Indonesia Quick and Easy

Finding work can be a big problem in Indonesia. It’s a huge country that’s plagued by unemployment and overeducation; the typical toll booth worker in Indonesia holds an undergraduate degree. So says Gobann’s Michael Luhukay, anyway, and his company has a plan to fix it.

Luhukay noted that one problem with an online job site in Indonesia is that Indonesians still lack trust in internet services like this, and jobs are often still referral-based. Gobann is a micro job market — think fiverr — that takes these factors into account to bring jobs to Indonesians via the web.



インドネシアにおいて仕事を見つけるのは大きな問題となり得る。この巨大な国は、失業およびオーバーエデュケーションという病にかかっている。料金所で働くインドネシアの典型的な労働者は大卒資格を持っているのだ。それで、GobannのMichael Luhukay氏とその会社では、なんとかして、それを解決する計画を持っている、と言う。


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