Translator Reviews ( English → Japanese )

Rating: 52 / 0 Reviews / 04 Apr 2012 at 16:56

kei_k 52 IT翻訳歴7年、ゲーム字幕翻訳歴2年。 バベル翻訳学院本科通信部終了。I...

1. A Logical Roadmap

Sure, a website should be aesthetically pleasing, but it’s more important for it to be useful. Before you even pick a server or type an HTML tag, you should map out how you’d like the website to work. This is important both for user experience and for SEO, since Google considers the content and structure of a site when it ranks for search. So, map out and mock up a design for the site — what designers call “wireframing” — and run it by a few friends to make sure it makes sense and is intuitive. “If they can understand the logic, so will the people visiting your website … and Google bots when ranking it!” says Pete Mills of web design consultancy Calls9.


「サイトのロジックが理解されれば、人々は...そしてGoogleボットも、そのサイトを訪れる」と、Webデザインコンサルティング会社Call9のPete Mills氏は言っている。

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