Translation Results Requested Through Conyac Made Public

[Translation from French to English ] She collects medals and other objects that she brings back from several trips...

Original Texts
elle collectionne des médailles et autres objets qu elle ramène de ses nombreux voyages et pèlerinages et qu elle jette pelle mêle parmi ses propres bijoux psycadelic de l'époque.C’est dans cette mâle aux trésors que Paul dés son plus jeune âge empreinte ses premières parures. Elle s en inspirera plus tard pour réaliser des créations mixant fantaisie et bondieuserie.Puis Paul déménage à Nice ou elle vivra une jeunesse douce et heureuse. Elle voudrait se lancer dans la bijouterie n envisageant pas de longue études mais ses parents préfèrent l'orienter vers le tourisme.Aussi son BTS en poche elle travaille comme agent de comptoir métier grâce au quel elle aura plus de facilités à satisfaire sa soif de voyager .
Translated by cocco
She collects medals and other objects that she brings back from several trips and pilgrimages and that she through mixed with her own psychedelic antique jewels. It is in this treasure chest that Paul since his younger age borrowed his first ornaments. She will be inspired by it later to realise creation mixing fantasy and bondieuserie. Then Paul moved to Nice where she lives a happy and soft youth.She wanted to start in jewelery not considering long studies but her parent preferred direct thing her towards tourism. As well, her BTS obtained she worked as a counter agent thanks to her job she had more facilities to satisfy her thirst of traveling.

Result of Translation in Conyac

Number of Characters of Requests:
Translation Language
French → English
Translation Fee
Translation Time
about 9 hours
cocco cocco