Translation Results Requested Through Conyac Made Public

[Translation from Japanese to English ] For the celebration of 30th birthday, POP prepared for another event; we star...

Original Texts



日  程:2013年3月5日(火)~3月10日(日)(4泊6日)
[deleted user]
Translated by [deleted user]
For the celebration of 30th birthday, POP prepared for another event; we started to recruit members for a research group visiting Singapore and Malaysia in order to experience and study the exhibitions and convention facilities there.

This time, we will tour around "Marina Bayside", a resort and convention center currently getting attention from all over the world, exhibition facilities like "Singapore Expo" and "Suntech Singapore" as well as "SACEOS" of MICE group.

In Malaysia, a meeting session is planned with Malaysian Association of Exhibition at "Automecanica Malaysia", where we share opinions with them.
This can be a great opportunity for you to experience both how the countries manage exhibitions and MICE's reputable methods of operation. Also, you will be able to closely interact with the local people; I hope you don't miss this chance!

The details
Schedule: March 5th (Tue) - 10th (Sun), 2012 (4 nights 6 days)
Destinations: Singapore, Kuala Lumpur in Malaysia
Number of people: 20
Expense: 278,000 Yen (In case 2 people share a room)
Visiting places:
Primary Due date of the application: Jan 28th (Mon), 2013

Result of Translation in Conyac

Number of Characters of Requests:
Translation Language
Japanese → English
Translation Fee
Translation Time
about 9 hours