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[Translation from Japanese to English ] Personality: He is the most mysterious person among the military. Reflet i...

Original Texts
Personality: 軍の中で一番謎が多い



Refletは人を引き付ける魅力がありますが、料理が苦手で鋼の味がするほどです。 物語中は軍師としてリーダーのChromeを支えるためほとんど彼と一緒におり、Doujinshiも彼と一緒にいることが多いです。


Translated by naokey1113
Personality: He is the most mysterious person among the military.

Reflet is one of the main protagonists of Awakening.
The character is also a clone of a player, you can choose the character's sex and appearance.

He was rescued by Chrome when he was lying on the ground because of amnesia, and started travel together from then on.
He has capability as a military advisor and support Chrome making use of that capability.
He can grow up to be a very strong character because he has abilities of a sword and magic.

Reflet charms people, but he is very poor at cooking and his dish tastes like steel.
In the story, he is almost always around Chrome, the leader, to support him as a military advisor. Doujinishi is also around Chrome in many scenes.
In case Reflet is a man, he can be a couple with Lucina.

Reflet is able to marry most of charaters, though they have to be opposite sex. I highly recommend marriage with Lucina when Reflet is a man and with Chrome when Reflet is a woman!

Processes until marriage is very lovely. The story differs slightly depending on situasions. People who haven't play this, check it out!

Result of Translation in Conyac

Number of Characters of Requests:
Translation Language
Japanese → English
Translation Fee
Translation Time
about 7 hours
naokey1113 naokey1113