Personality: 軍の中で訓練中に物を壊す
ChromeはFire Emblem Awakeningの主人公の1人で、the Holy Kingdom of Ylisseの王子です。
Chrome, who tends to break things while training in the during, is one of the chief characters of Fire Emblem Awakening, a prince of the Holy Kingdom of Ylisse.
He, together with his sister Liz and his group, forms a vigilance band to keep peace of Ylisse.
One day coming across Reflet lying collapsed by the sroadside, and also with the help of mysterious fencer Lucina, he challenges the fight to prevent the aggression from other countries.
You may have an unsociable impression in Chome, but he has also a hot side and is so cool when he fights!
Awakeningではキャラクター同士を結婚させられるシステムがありますが、Reflet (f)との会話では普段とは違う面が見られるのが面白いです。
You will find that there is a system to couple characters in Awakening, but it is interesting to see his different sides from other usual scenes in the conversation with Reflet (f).
Because he is often with Reflet in the stories, the schemer, so arranged in Doujinshi.
In the case Reflet is a woman, they may come up as a couple.
Chrome can possibly be coupled with other woman character, but my recommendation is to pair with Reflet because some development changes occur when his partner is Reflet!
They are a perfect couple!