Translation Results Requested Through Conyac Made Public

[Translation from Japanese to English ] Yosuke is Yu's classmate and a son of Junes Yasoi naba megastore, headphone o...

Original Texts
YosukeはYuのクラスメイトでJunes Yasoi naba megastoreの息子で、ヘッドフォンを首にかけているのが特徴です。

自分の想い人のKonishi Sakiが謎の殺人事件に巻き込まれたことをきっかけに、Yuと共に事件の真相を追います。



Translated by transcontinents
Yosuke is Yu's classmate and a son of Junes Yasoi naba megastore, headphone on the neck is his trademark.

After Konishi Saki, whom he admires was involved in mysterious murder, he seeks for the truth of this case along with Yu.

Normally he is cheerful, but he had darkness in his mind that he cannot find a place for himself. However, he obtains Persona by overcoming it.
His Persona is Jiraiya, he fights with two swords.

He trusts Yu, at first he was calling Yu by the last name, but later he calls Yu by his first name.
In contrast with Yu, he is cheerful and a mood maker, but sometimes he makes irrelevant comments.

As he gets along with Yu in the story, they are often found together in Doujinshi, too.

Result of Translation in Conyac

Number of Characters of Requests:
Translation Language
Japanese → English
Translation Fee
Translation Time
about 6 hours
transcontinents transcontinents

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