When I purchased this item I didn't use my account, but instead made the purchase as a guest.
If you could please tell me the return address, I will return it.
Thank you very much for your help with this.
Today I shipped the item.
When you receive it please refund my payment.
Thank you for your response.
On average 10 ○○ are sold per moth, so I think ten is good for the first purchase. After that I hope the purchases continue.
I look forward to your reply.
I signedin as a guest member when I purchased this item.
I will redeliver the item if you provide me the address where you would like to be redelivered.
The item was shipped today.
Please give me a refund once you receive the item.
Thank you for your reply.
◯◯ is sold in the amount of 10 each month in average, so I am considering to purchase 10 of them to start.
I would like to make a purchase on an ongoing basis after that.
I am looking forward to a positive response from you.