Notice of Conyac Termination ( Updated on November 25)

[Translation from Japanese to Native English ] Thank you very much for sending the invoice. I paid it just now. I am extrem...

This requests contains 194 characters . It has been translated 2 times by the following translator : ( nick_hallsworth ) and was completed in 0 hours 55 minutes .

Requested by deppdepp at 03 Dec 2012 at 18:19 2024 views
Time left: Finished


Thank you very much for sending the invoice. I paid it just now.
I am extremely sorry, but because of sudden circumstances, I need money, so could you please cancel my order this time and give me a refund?
I would like to buy various products from you from here on as well. (I added your account ID to my favorites.)
I am very sorry for the inconvenience, but thank you in advance.


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