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[Translation from English to Japanese ] Seattle Hospital Will Live Tweet, Instagram First Hearing Restoration Surgery...

Original Texts
Seattle Hospital Will Live Tweet, Instagram First Hearing Restoration Surgery

UPDATE: You can view pictures of the surgery — pre, during and post-op here:

Eleanor Day, 79, doesn’t have a Twitter account, but after her live-tweeted cochlear implant surgery Tuesday morning, she has a chance at becoming a trending topic. Perhaps more significantly, she’ll be able to hear again after five years of living entirely without hearing. The team will document Day’s experience from the time she arrives for surgery to the recovery room — with magnified pictures of her inner ear during surgery. Typical operating time is 35-40 minutes, Dr. Backous said, but they might take a bit longer to take pics when she arrives and when she’s waking up, so you’ll be able to follow the entire process for about 60-90 minutes.

“It’ll be fun for people to see what the ear looks like, and it’s not very bloody,” he said. But first thing, he says, they’ll warn viewers on Twitter that they will be tweeting actual surgery pictures, just in case anyone’s eating breakfast. “If this goes well you could see social media playing a more significant roll in spreading awareness for disease prevention and intervention,” he said of the social media aspect of the surgery.

Hold on to your tissues, though, doctors won’t switch on her cochlear implants until Oct. 14 when she’ll be able to hear for the first time in five years (this might produce another heartwarming video, like this one). Also, the doctor and his colleages will hold a live chat about the surgery on Oct. 10 at
Translated by zhizi


Eleanor Day(79才)はTwitterのアカウントを持っていない。だが、火曜日の朝に人口耳の手術をライブツイートした後、彼女は話題の人となった。おそらくもっと重要なことは、5年間全く耳が聞こえない生活を送ったあとに再び耳が聞こえるようになることだろう。
同チームはDayの経験を彼女が手術を受けに病院に着く時から回復室に入るまでを記録する ー 手術中は彼女の耳の中に拡大鏡をつけて。一般的な手術時間は35〜40分とBackous医師は言ったが、彼女が病院に到着する時や目が覚める時などの写真もとるので、少し長くなるかもしれない。だから、60〜90分におよぶ全体のプロセスをフォローすることができる。


Translated by yoggie
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zhizi zhizi
yoggie yoggie